Posted by: Captain Haddock December 5, 2006
Who here is sick of living in a nepalese community?
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Very interesting topic. I wouldn't go as far as broad brushing an entire community because most generalizations are easy to poke holes into and the answers you come up will often get you only as far as the next hole in the generalization. Sure immigration can cause dislocation - mental, emotional and social. And the dislocation gets aggravated when the values of the society you born into come into conflict with the values of the society that you are now a part of. A lot of people cope with a situation like this by putting their own personal values ahead of everything else and it works for many of them. To me it matters less whether you see yourself as Nepalese or American, or both, or neither, the important thing is are you at peace with whatever it is that you see yourself as? If yes, you probably don't have a reason to read this thread, but if no, why not? How many of those reasons have to do with reality and how many of those reasons could be misplaced perceptions? Does it then help if one at least tackle the mis perceptions? All right, enough said. My intent is not to point fingers or prescribe any thing - I am merely raising the questions I ask myself when I have to deal with something like this. Have a good day all.
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