Posted by: once in a while November 14, 2006
Do you think Prachanda Should be sentenced to death just like saddam for killing 13000 innocent Nepalese?
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After coming such a long way and draining so much blood, Prachanda has knelt down in front of Girija Koirala. If maoists were really republican, they must have been with UML and stood for "Referendum to decide the fate of the monarchy" and that the election of the consituent assembly must have been on proportional basis, instead of mixed type. If NC, NC(D), Maoist, UML and all other parties were for republican set up, why do they have to wait until the election of consituent assembly? Why can't they decide now? Its been overheard that Girija himself would table the proposal of removing monarchy on the first meeting of the assembly and that Prachanda was convinced by him. What the heck stops Girija to propose the removal of monarchy now? Its an conspiracy to save the monarchy and knowingly or unknowingly Prachanda has been trapped in. Either Prachanda over estimates the outcome of the election to be in their favor or he also wants to save the monarchy. Now, Krishna Bahadur Mahara says that UML are the royalist in the disguise of 'republican'...What a shame!! You tie up with a "ceremonial monarchist" and you label "royalist" to the party who advocated "referendum" to decide the fate of monarchy. You maoists are in illusion! People haven't forgotten how bruttaly you have killed ordinary people! You won't win more than a dozen a seat in the much talked election! The crowd behind you is because of the gun you have. Once the guns are locked up, you are nowhere.
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