Posted by: Amazing November 1, 2006
My 5 selected songs (Oldies)
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Hi frens, I just wanted to make some great HINDI oldies collection (esp of 60s 70s and 80s) so just requesting u to post your 5 best songs. (Yes 5 is enough) wd be more helpful if u also write name of Film or Singers. Here comes few selected of mine 1. इन् आखोकि मस्तिके मस्ताने हजार है, इन शहरमे तुम जैसे परवाने हजारे है......... 2. कोरा कागज था ये मन् मेरा, लिखदिया नाम इस् पे तेरा........ 3. चादनि रातोमे एक् बार तुमे देखा है, खुद पे इतराते हुए, खुद् से सर्माते हुए, चादनि रात मे एक् बार् तुमे देखा है 4.निले गगनके तले, धरतिके प्यार् पले..... 5. जिया हो, जिया ओ जिया कुछ बोलदो, अरे हो, दिल का पर्दा खोल दो............ ________________ By the way, today I remeber one romantic incident while posting abt Hindi oldies, Couple of years back, I was interested to one South Indian girl and I also knew that she was great fan of OLDIES so I decided to propose in a style, expecting something to happen. I just worte one line and gave it to her.... हमे तुम से प्यार कितना, ये हम नहि जानते, मगर् जि नहि सकते तुम्हारे बिना..... Next day, she asked my notebook and replied, I was so excited but.... it went like this... हर् किसिको नहि मिलता येहा प्यार जिन्दगि मे... --------Though I felt really sad yet was feeling different somehowe by her answer (esp by song) so next day I tried to write another song and gave it तेरे आखोकि शिवा दुनियामे रखा क्या है........... But she did not reply anything for a week, then after couple of weeks when I was having Samosa in college canteen, she came and whispered "Hi, Im sorry but....इन् आन्खो कि मास्ति के मस्ताने हजार् है............." _______ Well yestai ho.........कभि कभि मेरे दिल् मे खयाल आता है.......
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