Posted by: samir28 October 6, 2006
what is hinduism?
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Yes. Hinduism that we practice today is just a subset of rituals out of the broad Sanatana Dharma. 'Hinduism' itself is a later day term and it cannont describe the ancient Sanatana Dharma in totality. There are multiple parallel philosophical schools in the ancient 'Hindu' 'Sanatana' Dharma, and each school has a distinct principle. These include 1. Sankhya Darshan, 2. Vedanta Darshan, 3. Mimansa, 4. Vaishesika Darshan, 5. Nyaya Darshan, 7. Yoga, 7. Brahminism and even 8. Charvaka or Lokayata Darshan. What we are following as 'Hinduism' today is mainly 'Brahminism' along with lots of rituals, and so what we are practising today can't be claimed as 'Hinduism' in totality.
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