Posted by: BathroomCoffee September 8, 2006
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What's The Best Way To Manage Anger? It depends on whether your anger is aimed at one particular person or is just internal anger about life and ultimately yourself. If it's personal, then it never pays to lose your temper in the long run, even though it can be hard to control and momentarily exciting to let it go. Because it always tends to come back at you when you least expect it. The cleanest way of managing anger is to realise it's just one form of energy circulating inside you that needs to be gently but firmly released, such as by slipping off somewhere secluded and whacking the shiiiit out of a pillow shouting 'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you' until all the energy's spent. By doing this you're implicitly no longer taking the drama which sparked your anger personally, which is key to coping with it properly. General feelings of anger come back to your inner child's omnipotence complex and feeling sorry for itself, either because life hasn't worked out the way it expected or because someone has actually dared to not show it enough respect. When you stop taking it all so personally, the anger tends to diminish automatically and you instead just feel happy to be alive even if life doesn't go the way you thought it should. Other good ways of releasing what's essentially the wild animal within include going for a brisk run, climbing a mountain and hitting the dance floor." Brit Backpacker Gets 10 Years For Pot Daisy Angus, 26, was sentenced to 10 years in an Indian hell-hole jail this week after being found guilty of trying to smuggle 10kg of cannabis out of the country through Mumbai Airport four years ago. The former gym instructor, who's been locked up ever since customs officials found the cannabis in her suitcase, claimed her Israeli boyfriend had used her as an unwitting mule and told the Judge when sentenced "I have already served almost four years in jail for a crime I did not commit. This false case against me killed my father and my grandmother." Her father died of leukaemia last December 3 years after being tragically quoted in a British newspaper as saying that his daughter was aware there was 'something in her luggage'. Though Daisy later retracted the statement, prisoners' rights organisation Fair Trials Abroad withdrew their support leaving prisoners' charity Foreign Prisoners Support Services (FPSS) to help. The British press also reported in 2003 that Daisy's father was complaining she'd been repeatedly raped by lesbians in prison, though those allegations were also said to be untrue by her mother soon after. "Daisy's Mother reports that Daisy is fine and has never being abused in anyway as reported in the media," FPSS said in an update in September. "She has been very brave throughout this ordeal, has learnt Hindi and is teaching English to the other women and children in her cell. Daisy has made a few campaigns to improve the jail's conditions and is a great help to those around her. She is a remarkable woman and has done her best in a very bad situation." Daisy's Israeli boyfriend was freed for 'lack of evidence'. In more India drug news Goa's top cop Neeraj Kumar, Director General of Police (DGP), said a further 25 foreigners have been 'black-listed' and 3 deported, most as suspected drugs traffickers, the Goa Herald reported. "We have information that Goa has become one of the transit points for soft drugs like cannabis and hashish," the DGP told the paper, "These mostly find way to European countries through charter flights taking off from the State," he said. Hot Sex Death Threat Doctors from Vienna's Sports Medicine Institute issued a public health warning this week, urging people to abstain from having sex when temperatures top 30ºC or risk death. "The high temperatures increase the sex drive, but they also make intercourse quite risky, as the chance of heart-related complications increases," Professor Norbert Bachl told Scotland's Daily Record. "Those who can't resist should wait until the evening hours, when the air gets cooler, but even then they should not go wild." The Austrian doctor's alert came as Loughborough University Professor Ron Maughan revealed that many British men get more excited watching soccer than having sex, according to tests he carried out on fans watching the world cup "The heart rates that we have recorded throughout the first stage of the study are in line with those experienced by an individual reaching sexual climax," Professor Maughan told the Financial Express, "and in some cases greater than that." Both findings emerged some years after Japanese scientists suggested a link between infidelity and strokes, the BBC reported in 2000. Dr Izumi Toyoda told the World Stroke Congress that 19 out of the 42 people he examined who suffered strokes during sex were with lovers other than their regular partner. Does Seeking Approval From Others Make Sense? Peoples' opinions are like the wind in that they have no consistency, so seeking their approval is like trying to make the wind stand still, it's pointless. Of course, when they have something to offer which requires their momentary approval of you to give you whatever it is, then in an immediate sense it matters, but in the longer-term sense, it's not something you can control. Instead, the only person's approval really worth fighting for is your own and it's almost always a long process acquiring it, because of all the negative input you've had as a child whether from (probably) well-meaning but misguided carers and peers or TV. One way to release yourself and shake off the effects of low self-esteem is by setting yourself goals and achieving them, another is to hypnotise yourself into a different stance in relation to yourself. To do this, you should talk to yourself constantly, out loud or under your breath, saying over and over again, 'I'm doing alright, I'm OK, I'm doing fine' until you actually start believing it's true. No one knows the score better than you do yourself and if you give yourself approval then the approval of others will naturally follow (though by then you'll no longer care, because you'll already know you're doing fine - you just said so yourself.") "The sperm will experience burnout before they reach the egg." (Guardian) US fertility specialist Dr Lani Burkman says male pot smokers often have lower fertility rates because their semen 'swim abnormally'. "I didn't realise what I sounded like but then my speech therapist played a tape of me talking. I was devastated." (Guardian) Newcastle 'Foreign Accent Syndrome' victim, Linda Walker, 60, recalls the moment she discovered her rare post-stroke condition means she now talks in a thick Jamaican patois instead of her native Geordie. B*tchy Women Can't Help It Women criticise other women more when they're seeking a partner and are at their cattiest when they're at peak fertility in their menstrual cycle, the Observer reported this week. "Evolutionary theory predicts female sexual competition will occur when males of high genetic quality are considered a resource," study chief Dr Maryanne Fisher of York University, Canada, told the paper, "One strategy is competitor derogation- using tactics to make a rival inferior." The Observer unearthed additional evidence showing men are twice as likely to b*tch about others' appearances with 'negative gossip' being a form of social bonding. "You are picking some negative characteristic of a third person and saying 'I trust you enough to tell you my view of it and I think you and I will hold a similar view and we will form a coalition," Professor Geoffrey Beattie of Manchester University suggested. The male/ female divide also reared its head in Australian magazine the Age this week, via an interview with Peaches in which she reiterated her commitment to raising male sexuality, particularly gay/ straight issues. "I think women have had their sexual revolution. But I don't think men really ever did. In the process women really grew, while men are still really afraid of other straight men," the always outspoken electro-trash star suggested, "I don't really know, but for them I think they've still got a long way to go, so I'm trying to help them out." Also in Australia, a new survey of women's sex lives revealed that almost one in three under 44 year old women have no sex at all (SBS Radio). The survey of 659 females also revealed that women over 45 have far more sex than those aged between 25 and 44.
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