Posted by: vishontar August 21, 2006
Nepe's book on the web
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Nepe Dai, I buy your definations, thank you for illustration. I meant "Learning" as you define learning and "Researching" as you define research. I got only one word Rationality from you. Good highly important word though :). I will tell later how important point you have picked up. I want you to come with all skeptisism you have. I want you to be absolutely rational. Instead, I will be in trouble if you are not rational. What makes you think that I am going to tell something irrational? What makes you to think that a scientist like you will buy my irrational words? Who am I to have faith on? I know me very well and I don't have any such wrong judgement about myself:). I wouldn't make any irrational statement knowingly even if it is not a public forum. However, if you find what I say irrational (which might happen), I have nothing to say you are your own master and you are your own judge. Aruge with me! I will be greatful to you for the opportunity to learn. All I want from you is an interest to learn; I am giving my time with that believe. You have all right reserved to discard what I say if you find illogical, impractical and irrational. You are welcome for all skeptisism and doubts with the positive intension of learning. Nepe Dai, I am not an expert but why don't you accept a plain fact that I can give you something in this topic. This is not by ego boost, but a simple truth. Believe me or not, I am not here to show off some scholarly work. I care about you and want you to learn Dhamma. I am here with a wholesome mind. May many other people get benefited from these postings! Back to the Point: Now, I claim that, Discipline (morality, ethics, abstaining from wrong doing), Awareness (attentativeness, mindfulness, alertness, heedfulness) and Wisdom (rationality, logic, analysis, good judgement, insight, common sense, knowledge) are the three qualities a learner, researcher must have. Do you have any disagreement? Or please let me know if you think there are more than these three. These questions are just to clearify the Buddha's teaching. They are not asked for any other intension. I never lie. As I already told you, I am not going to tell you Dhamma considering you as an intellectual person which you are. I am going to tell you Dhamma in very plain language as if you are a simple illitrate person. Forgive me for devaluating you :). Please forgive me if I have used any uncomfortable word for you. My heart is clean.
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