Posted by: timetraveller June 9, 2006
Prachanda KTV interview - Video
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October revolution. BAH! During the bolshevik revolution, the Bolsheviks WERE the army. The army was with the bolsheviks and got mixed. The king and the clergy in russia had no choice. In our case. We HAVE an army still controlled by the house. No revolution. Buncha crap. Besides, he isn;t an elegant speaker. Look how he lashes Girija Prasad Koirala as "Girija Koirala"...he never uses terms like Girija Ji or what not. There needs to be diplomacy on HIS side and we don't see that; and for a communist- thats ironic!! Next thing- he even disregards the previous kings. He calls Shree 5 mahendra- Mahendra. Yes sure Mahendra resulted in panchayat system but he had his reasons and lets NOT ARGUE ABOUT that here. I'm not a king lover. He doesn;t know how to talk and I'm sure Nepalis have noted that. He simply is not a good leader. He speaks of the Democratic parties acting like they killed the tiger when it was the janta (and the MAOISTS). Well the only reason HE and HIS party's been successful is because the deomocratic parties sucked and the BIGGEST LUCK THEY GOT- King Birendra got killed. They wouldn't even be around had K. Birendra been in power still. And he speaks of chances!!!!!!JERK! Next point- he speaks of granting autonomy to the "dalit" or the janjaati". What in god's name does that mean? Will they start to govern themselves? This a$$hole son of a b!TC# is using poor innocent uneducated desperate people as his army to be successful and be in power! Yes the dalit problem is huge- but that's only gonna be resolved once society's educated. And EDUCATION is education- He doesn;t have a DIFFERENT way of starting an education system. To change society is to change history- he's not that powerful- noone was. Granting autonomy to the dalit simply means segregating the country further. Dalit have been oppressed in numrous forms- including immense debts that foprces them to work in the the debtor's house as slaves. Discrimination in terms of ecucation and health and other social services. Their kids arent allowed to play with other higher caste kids. Such a system can only be changed through education. The maoists dont need to show us that. Yes, they were the force behind K.G.'s fall from power. But what the hell is this nuisance talk about creating a republic? We've stripped him off his power, through democratic means we can strip him off his money too. We can make him pay taxes- he's willing to. He's got no choice. Thanks maoists for helping out but during the revolution the people weren't directed by any leader- the people were out in the streets- OF FREE WILL! What will we gain by removing monarchy? The system, not gyane!!! So Gyane killed his brother blah blah the whole thing happened. But do you seriously think he'll deserve the punishment he deserves if we kill him and his son off? His biggest punishment is the fall of his ego! He will live his life as a ceremonial king and thats it!!!! He'll pay off all the money he's hidden and he'll pay taxes!! He'll be embarrassed and so will his son- that's his punishment. Not removal of monarchy! All in all I feel that Prachande and his hanuman - Baburam Bhattarai are a bag load of opportunists. Communism involves dictatorship- never has dictatorship prevailed for long. We dont live in medieval England. These are modern times. By createing an army of poor people like i said above, Prachanda's plyed an old game. But how will he feed that army? All those poverty and hunger stricken people are gonna turn into Nepal army! We don;t need no army. We don;t wanna be ruled by the army. mofo GOTO HELL!!!!! ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORT MAOISTS GOTO HELL AS WELL!!!!!The democratic party leaders sure are corrupt- corrupt than anyone else. We need fresh new revolutionary leaders to run the country- thats what we need. The solution that I SEE!
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