Posted by: ssNY May 27, 2006
Immigration bill passed?
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Here's an excerpt from today's Associated Press. The House bill would make all illegal immigrants subject to felony charges. It has no provision for either a new temporary worker program or a pathway to citizenship for men, women and children unlawfully in the country. The Senate on Thursday passed a bill that provides stepped-up border security, guest worker programs to bring in new foreign workers and a chance at citizenship for those guest workers and the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants already in the country. "I would like to see a bill passed and signed into law. However, I'm a realist, you know, and given the fact that the Senate and the House started miles apart, and as a result of some amendments that were offered in the Senate miles have become moons apart or oceans apart, this has made a difficult task even more so," Sensenbrenner said. ______________________________________________________________________ Congressman Sensenbrenner was the chief sponser of the bill passed in December 2005 by the house. Separate bills passed by the Senate and House will now go into negotiations for a 'compromised bill' to be voted on by BOTH SENATE AND THE HOUSE. As the Congressman said about the two bills being 'moons apart', it is safe to say that a compromised bill is months away and we can only hope that it's a decent one. So, all the bills passed is nothing but some bills that are not signed by the President making it a law. So, hold your horses. Keep our fingers corssed. Hands clasped, eyes closed and just pray.
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