Posted by: ashu April 28, 2006
List of people against CA
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Pire wrote: "but I have freedom to say 'thuikka' to these people also, and you have freedom to defend them also." Let me be clear. I am NEITHER defending NOR supporting their political position. I am saying that existence of anti-CA Nepalis is to be welcomed for hopefully now the debates, kurakani, discussions will be sharper and more informative, as opposed to there being a mindless "if you are not for CA, then you must be pro-king" sort of simplistic mentality. Surely, democracy recognises that Nepalis are DIVERSE and INDEPENDENT and DECENTRALIZED enough to be making their own mind without being pressured to lean this way or other. That said, I am increasingly perplexed and disturbed by these seemingly intolerant, Maoist-like verbal harshness and quite contradictory behaviours that some of our chest-thumping Sajha democrats display. It's one thing to show the rest of us why and how those against CA are wrong by using logic, evidence and sound arguments. It's ridiculous to portray those people as some sort of 'anti-democracy idiots' by: a) publishing their names (when you have the luxury to hide behind your names) b) calling them "थुइक्क मण्डले हो" and dismissing them. And, yes, the law of mathematics says that whenever there's a majority, there is a minority too. oohi "autocrats are transparently undemocratic, and that makes it easier to be against them. But it's the Nepali democrats who are opaquely autocratic, and that makes it important to monitor them much more intensely for a better, healthier democracy" ashu
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