Posted by: ziggydai April 19, 2006
Ancient Wise Saying
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This is some wise saying from our Niti Shastra that goes back hundreds if not thousands of years back that people in this countyr of ours should learn from: सर्वनाशे समुत्पन्ने अर्धम् त्यजति पन्डित अर्धेन कुरुते कार्यं सर्वनाशो हि दुष्कर । यस्को अर्थ हो: सम्पूर्ण नाश हुने परिस्थिती आयो भने बुद्धिमानले आधा छोडिदिन्छ । त्यै आधाले आफ्नो कार्य सम्पन्न गर्छ , किनकि सम्पूर्ण नाश भएमा केही गर्न सकिदैन । नीति शास्त्र । (For those who dont get it in Nepali, in english, this is an ancient shloka, which basically means, " If everything is set to be lost, the wise person lets go of one half of his/her stand/possession, etc. This is because the person can somehow continue with things even with one half, as nothing can be done when all is lost)
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