Posted by: hukka_nepali April 18, 2006
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Hey M5, I respect your sentiment but it's time to say enough is enough!! Sure we would like to think "outside the box" and I would even like to argue that we have in the past. If if you are talking about US manupulation around the world, I don't think the general people of these country are quite. They have taken extreme measure and we you can find example of all over the middle east, africa, and starting to see some in latin america. Since we Nepalis like to consider ourselves peace loving modest people....we didn't speak anything against india when it sent well over 100,000 bhutanese into Nepal but will NOT let anyone of these go back to their country using indian land. We never said anything about india building water dams that has flooded many of our villages and have had adverse effect on our countrymen living in those area. We have never said anything about our children and women who are taking for modren day version of human slavery in the form of sex trafficing into india. Nor have we said anything against india eating up numerous of our waterways and eying for more hydro resources. These examples are just to name a few.... I hate to say this but india is taking full advantage of nepalis like you....india has lead you into believing that the problem is and will always lie among us, so that we won't even have time to think or let alone voice against their exploitation. First the Ranas were the problem, so then came king Mahendra, then Monarchy was the problem, then came great leader like BP Koirala, then he was a problem, then came Pyanchyat again, then king Birendra and Pyanchyat became problem, then came democracy, then after it became a problem, then came Maoists, then Gayendra and now he is the problem, so who is the next problem?? While we Nepalis have always had problem with this and that....india has never had any problem to have it's way with Nepal. Time to think brothers and sisters....time to move forward not going around and around in the same india created web circle. ya fell me?
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