Posted by: mahisasur April 10, 2006
Scam - baiting
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This is basically for scam-awareness and some fun as well :) Remember the million dollar scam from Nigeria ? It is similar to that but they try to prey on people who have put advertisement on the internet like myself. This "woman" has been in touch with me since past week and was asking me how much I charge for teaching music as her daughter wants to learn music. I emailed her about my nominal charge of 5 pounds per hour. Now this woman wants to pay me 35 for a 7-hour lesson. So far so good. Nothing unusual about it. But in a bizzare twist of event, now this "woman" wants to pay me 1500 as if I would beleive that:) . 35 for myself and the rest to be handed to the cameraman. What cameraman? I email her: Hiya, But I think I am missing something. Could you please clarify about the cameraman? What is the cameraman for?I have given you my phone. Please contact me through the phone for further arrangement. Then she writes: Hello,the cameraman is the one that camera all the occastion that day so the man has to be there ok...... so kindly get back intime for the information of the payment....give yr name, contact address and telephone and i will give you a call latter ok, thanks, awating your reply asap (....cont 'd)
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