Posted by: newuser April 4, 2006
Baburam Bhattarai was a Potential Chess Grandmaster
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I enjoyed too Ashuji, thanks. Infact, after reading what you knew about me at the first instant, I just wanted to request you to let me know If I had missed something about you too. Kura tetti ho. We are just discussing for the sake of discussion, so there's no reason to feel better or not better. none of us have anything to gain or lose in sajha. Infact, I have a two litre cocacola bottle by my side :) Everybody have their own interests. Some prefer to protect the crazy elephant, some the fox and some the chickens. With due respect to your qualifications, I thought you were qualified enough to protect or abandon them all on their own merit. Finally, I submit to your judgement that we are doing no favour to our cause by staying in the west and criticizing the people, particularly those who sacrifice the oppurtunities of the west and work in the ground over there. Poor me and people alike, we could do nothing there and could do nothing here. We just pass time writing big things about democracy in these internet forums. Now let me enjoy your updates from the ground, I hope I will get the most effective dose of political medicine from now onwards. साझामा आएर धेरै कराएर केहि हुँदैन भन्ने ज्ञान हामी जस्ता भाईबहिनीहरुलाई दिनुभएकामा आशु दाईलाई धेरै धन्यवाद। ल त अब गन्थन यहिं सकाएँ हैत। Have a good time ahead :)
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