Posted by: Nepaali April 2, 2006
Sick and tired of illegal immigrant
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Thugged out, You make some valid points but, again, this is not an issue that a misplaced sense of Nationalism on the part of Sensenbreener et all is going to's easy to blame a group of people for the failures of the administration; 9/11 provided the entire Muslim (particularly Male) community; Outsourcing made it easy to prey on the H (1) (B's) and now it's the Illegals. I know the Dems lack any form of a backbone at the moment so it doesn't suprise me that with the exception of Kennedy and Obama, the Dems for the most part have been silent. They are way to scared to make the points they believe in i.e. amnesty for the illegals who have toiled long and hard because the wrath of the growing legions of Neocons is going to be upon them. As for the website you posted: There will always be extremists on both sides of any issue. Yes, they may have overstepped some boundaries but then again, it is the history of this nation. California was a part of Mexico; Pio Pico, the last Mexican governer of C.A is still a living memory for a lot of folks. You have the Latino's saying Gringo's go home but don't forget that you also have the Minuteman project. Personally, I think people with nothing but language and a couple of vitriol laced banners is easier to deal with than a bunch of "native sons" with guns who want to patrol the borders. Bottom Line for me: I think it's grotesquely hypocritical for a country to allow illegals in when they need the labour- take the best years of their working lives; make them sweat and toil and then boot them back without affording them any benefits. A majority of illegals work 12 - 16 hour days for as little as $2 an hour. If they are willing to work that hard and help sustain the economy of a country they don't even belong to, imagine what they may be willing to do if they had reason to hope that they would one day belong to this land...
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