Posted by: Nepe March 5, 2006
Nepe's book on the web
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Thank you, Jyotsna, world_map, revival and gazzab for your support. Nails, which Nepali writer wouldn't want his work to be translated into English ? I sure have this dream. However... Shefali, One should never say Harey to go to a book store. A visitor to a book store always ends up buying good stuffs. Imagine the choices you'll have there. ********** ********** To visitors to the website, We have reviewed and added options for regular (First Class/Air Mail) and faster (Priority Mail) shipping. Old customers have been offered compensation for overcharged shipping cost. ********** ********** Shirish, Thank you for your precious review, best wishes and advises. I do not know how accurately have I succeeded to portray a woman character. However, I have tried to give my best. When I was writing, I was her. Her existence really ran through my blood. She was so real to me. She was never a fictional character. I was living her. One of the commentators on the book has written an interesting paragraph expressing very similar feeling. He also strongly felt her presence. He writes that when he finished the book he felt like taken by the life of Kusha. "अन्तमा, 'कुशा' नारी भएर पनि मभित्र एक मिथक भूत-प्रेत आत्मामा बसेजस्तै पसेकी छे र स्वयम् म 'कुशा' बनेको छु । त्यसैले, जीवनको वैध र अवैध सबै संक्रियाको कन्फेसनसित अगाडि बढ्न म चाहन्छु । दायित्वबोध 'कुशा'मा नभएको भए 'कुशा' सञ्जीको ढोकामा पसारिएर कुहुन्थी, तर ऊ एक जिम्मेवार नागरिक पनि हो त्यसैले, उसले रविकान्त लिन आए पछि रविकान्तसित उत्तरकालीन जीवनको अर्थ खोज्न सहर्ष नागरिक समाजको पथलाई अंगीकार गर्छे । ... तर यस्तो प्रेरक रूप मात्रै चाहिँ पक्कै होइन, मभित्र पसेको कुशाको भूत । मलाई कताकता त्यो भूतले एउटा अतृप्त आत्माको झलक पनि दिन्छ । कुशाले सबैलाई दिएर त गई । तर ऊ आफैले चाहिँ यो दिनुको तृप्तिबाहेक के पाई ? उसले आफूलाई जितेकी हो कि आफूसंग हारेकी हो ? अथवा यस्तोखाले युद्धभन्दा माथि उठेकी हो ? कि पुरानै मानसयुद्ध जारी छ, नयाँ रणनीतिका साथ ? यसलाई उत्तरको रूपमा भन्दा प्रश्नको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरेका छन् लेखकले । शैलीको दृष्टिले एउटै पत्रभित्र जीवनका शाश्वत प्रश्नहरू जो प्रेमसित सम्बन्धित छन्, तिनलाई समन्वित गर्न सक्नु लेखकको शैलीको विशेषता हो । उपन्यास यति गहन छ कि यसका एक-एक पक्षलाई केलाउन थाल्यो भने छुट्टै एउटा अर्को ठूलो उपन्यास तयार हुन सक्छ ।" Okay, that's an exaggeration by an overwhelmed friend. However, it is true that story leaves a lot of fascinating questions for the readers to ponder. Readers will always wonder how Kusha might be doing now. Sorry, I am in my promotional mood, rey kya. But I will stop here. Nepe
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