Posted by: SolukhumbuHeights January 19, 2006
Support Democracy Vs. Support Politicians
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hello all, okay, lets make things clear.... do we want democracy... or do we want MAKUNE/GIRIJAcracy... sounded kinda lame.. but thats how saroj sounds too..... here.. lemme quote him... he said.. "You need to be aware that these politicians are riding on the wave of your support for democracy. But when the time comes, ie. when they are in power, would they give a damn about the people who brought them to power, or will they abscond into oblivion after gobbling up all the money they can?" okay... so we supported them to come to power.... he realises that.... but doesnt realise that... WE.... were not there ... "NOT" tp support them.. when they misused the power??????? .... so that means.... WE can get them on power..... but cant get them offf it.... when they.... misuse it???? ISN'T THAT OUR FAULT??? NEPALI janta ko fault... afterall it was "PRAJA" tantra... and u want the SHAH history to repeat itself ???... when gyanendra tries to take advantage of US NOT taking action against those corroupt politicians... ???? kinda makes me amused........ so u send girija to power..... and u want him to be good?? without any junta monitoring him??? and makune kinda monitors him.... giving hint to the juntas that girija was bad... i might be too.... and junta lets makune take over girija... and they leave him alone too.... and makune is like... oh shit.... lotsa money here... lets deposit all the money in my bank account before girija takes over,......... and us juntas?? juss critisizing... instead of taking any actions??? and we stilll blame them?? WELL IT WAS OUR FAULT PEOPLE..... DONT BLAME THEM SERVENTS.... JUSS KICK EM OUT... GET NEW PPL... AND MONITOR THEM........ LEARN THAT LESSON NOW...... and yeah about saroj's article...... SAROJ its not a personal fight... ... if u want "prajatantra" or "loktantra" to be succesful... stop critisizing... and take part in it... its "PRAJA"tantra for god sake... not "GIRIJA"tantra....... and if us "PRAJAs" let them alone.. they're gonna do wutever they like... so... well ..... get it bro??? ppl are funny!! its time we realise our mistake... 250 years SHAHs.... 9 years... a huge mess made... and we're reponsible for that .... PRAJAs..... remember?? it was PRAJAtantra.... and if u dont agree... well phew... id ont know how to explain u guys...
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