Posted by: ashu December 25, 2005
End of Monarchy perhaps..US Senator
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Shaiva, your startegy of lumping "guilt by association" on others will simply not work. By the same token, what's next, buddy? "You were born in 1985. Your English is good. You must have attended one of the most expensive private boarding schools. How did your family pay for that education? You parents must have been close to Girija and a part of his corruption machine. Therefore, you are a Girija ko chamcha". Is that the extent of your grand logic? Give us a break. ****** Other than that, having worked professionally with Nepalis, Indians, Bangladesi, Pakistanis and Sri Lankans -- among others -- I have learnt one thing about Nepalis. Whenever a Nepali says that he is going to do something big, always ask: To do that something big, have you been doing lots of small, small things right? 9.9 out of 10, the answer will be no. When that happens, you can rest assured that the Nepali's Big Thing will never come to pass. I, for one, am tired and downright cynical of Nepalis who talk big but have no patience to pursue small, small victories to move on to that something big. Republicanism is the same BIG thing. It won't happen just because Nepe shouts the loudest about it from the top of New Jersey turnpike, with Shaiva right next to him. Anyone who tallies Nepali media's photos with the realities on the street knows, a large crowd in Nepal is a deceptive picture: We have been seeing that since 2003; most come for ramita and tamasha (whether they are for the king or for the parties), and NOT to, give one example, fast unto death for democracy. I, for one, have always been interested in working to reform the parties first, making them stronger and able and democratic and transparent rather than continue to advise them along the line of advising a hungry man to give sumo wrestling a try for he is sure to win the trophy. oohi ashu
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