Posted by: Echoes December 14, 2005
Sydney Race Riots!
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1) Sometimes do you feel you are treated a little bit different in your workplace due to your color? Of course. Doesn't mean that's bad. It's a good thing that they're conscious about me being of a different culture or skin color. 2) Do you feel left out on some issues by your white co-workers? Yes on culture-specific things... And they feel left out when I and my Indian coworkers talk about holi and dee[pa]wali, too. 3) Do you think you have a good chance to move up the ladder in the company you work for? Maybe one day make management level decisions? Yes. Not if I continue to hangout here on all day tho ;-) 4) No matter how American you try to act with your co-workers, do you sometimes feel they know you are different and treat you somewhat differently. Yes. And it's not a bad thing. They know that I can't possibly act American (just like they can't possibly act non-American!). You can fool someone for a day or two but you are who you are thereafter. 5) Do you feel or have you experienced your white co-workers getting promoted faster than you? No. But if it did, it would be only coincidental or because they are better suited for the job. We gotta admit what we lack. But if you're asking these questions to prove your hypothesis about racial discrimination in workplaces, you may need to come up with a more scientific way. Discrimination now happens in subtle ways and you probably need smarter tools to capture that. People who de facto discriminate are aware of the laws (pretty much your questions) and probably won't do anything that breaks them in obvious ways. For example, even though my answers to your questions suggest that there's no disciminiation going on at my workplace, the fact *may* be that there is. You see, the system has persuaded me to think that there isn't... Am I making sense?
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