Posted by: anonymous October 31, 2005
legalise gay marriage?????
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Hey sobeNO 1stly like to say cheers for ur post :oD...dint think anyone will bother reading it in the 1st place..and to reply to it?:o| (yap i dun like to dream too much ;oP hehe) the lizards story is all true..hope u do get to catch that documentary one got me thinking..cos yap they are animals(arent we?tho of diff types)...well was tryn to look at the big picture..but wat evolution for us...we shall never know but then again these days humans are doing things we believe only 'god' has the right too..and the possibilities wat humans will be able to do is just too limitless..we always try to put a limit ..a go as far as we can...(dun we?)..we like to test ourselves and make us push further..(we are too thick headed!!thats me opinion anyways hehe)...well yap this subject is really too open...and everyone opinion will be right in one way or another cos there is no such thing as the eternal truth in let me not speculate more on this hehe...pretty much cant stop thinkn wat will become of us in time...esp given enuf time to survive in this world...did we ever imagine or had the slightest clue that from the prehistoric apes ..we be wat we are right now? a more 'defined' version?and future?well who knows wat evolution has in store for u.... and about those lizards...lizards do lay eggs hoina?and we dun?..but eggs def still has to fertilized by sperm..(which def comes from the male?applies to most animals anyways)..just the fact that once they had male lizards who provided sperm...ceased to exist..cos of some weird evolution..female lizards were able to do it..tho they still had to 'act' the fertilising scene..get aroused by touch etc...i dunno if those female lizards were able to create sperm before(hopefully one day when i have so much time!will go find more stuffs to read about them :oD..) so yap that was just me thot hehe..of cos we are diff from lizards or any other animals!!dun we regard ourselves as the top of the food chain?cos we have common sense?the ability to think and make decisions for ourselves?etc?and yap i do hope u get to catch hold of this documentary and more..just opens up ur mind to so many ideas i tell u!!..that documentary was about which animals had the female species ruling them...think their theory was humans too is gonna that follow that thrend if it wasnt already followed ;oP....i do like to think we do try to co exist..give and take but seriously if u ask not too happy to say this..but i think i will give way to me other one more wahahaha...well i basically hate to quarrel and end up gettn me head spun or spinnin other ppls head ...enuf of tension!!!hehe... so lets disregard evolution...wat might happen in the future..or wat we are right now..lets just stick with wat we can do right now... so back to homosexuality and the topic..yap got to stay with what the world is it is etc...males we cant produce ova...women cant produce sperm...but well technologies these days..u know having sperm banks...(another dumb theory can be added that...who knows?enuf sperm will be collected in the world one day..that women wont have the 'need' of men? aint that great yet..that anything can replace women or the womb of theirs ..which carries the future of the world for 9 mths :oD..yap too much thinkin of plots for B grade sci-fi movies ;oP hehe)....but dun u thik if everyone was a bit more 'understanding' and worked together...lets say war btween the 2 gender..but both realises we need each other to survive...but of cos everyone has their women one one side...all tries to fulfil their needs themselves..(lets say a new hiter is born and ruling the new world hehe..too much dumb theories hehe dun mind me) women are all lesbians..cos in this alternate world of ours..they are brought up to be lesbians..and mens as gays....but of cos to reproduce...thts where sperm banks comes into go donate their sperm...and well women has responsibilites to carry some babies per life(maybe paid to do it? just like men will be paid to donate?of cos in a real world..not everyone will do anything if there aint any incentive hoina?) so in this scenario...if it was to happen..which definetly can happen if its allowed to happen....mens and womens role of reproduction takes a new meaning doesnt it?we do work hand in hand for survival of human race..but of cos smthing like this to happen...there was to be a real big war of the sexes and a hitler and a hitlerni born who detest each other so much..that their hatred for each other spreads thru and seeps into everyone in the world...most of them..and in this world of ours..majority rules..minors have to follow wat majority is it or not?if u dun do it...u wont survive...and if everyone was practicing it?wouldnt it be culturally accepted?cos wat is culture?(been doing some couse on culture this yr..electives hehe..pretty much opens one mind..but makes one realises..there is no such thing as a definite answer hehe..well thats wat it made me think anyways :oD..)...yap old cultures were created in time..and some of them have withstood time..and got 'deinfined' ....but new culture is coming out these days...and i like to believe..homosexuality is one...and right not of cos the majority of the world doesnt like the idea cos its u call it..ewww ?cos its new?that they never thot was possible?but ppls minds are opening..(is that good or bad?no idea..but if its opening..lets accept it..we have to accept the truth..can we run away from it?) so yap the 'trend' seems like ppl will be more acceptable in the future(this is speculating hehe..)...but wat are the chances of it being accepted?havent we seen when we ban smthing..the more desirable it becomes?.... maybe cos we humans desire things that others dun have..grass looks greener on the other side eh?Im definetly not encouraging homosexuality...hehe..but in the end..all im sayng is..i see it happening around me...and of cos i have to accept it..why not?just cos i dun understand it?does it mean im right?and they are wrong?how do we measure right and wrong this time?homosexuality definetly aint an answer to those social issues we have..but who knows some of us might be resorting to it to get some answers?its a weird world..and the things we do..we have weird reasons....robbers..frauds etc..they do wat they gain smthing for themselves...and of cos sadly but true..that is one of the human traits of do smthing to gain smthing.....we can label them as bad for society..cos they practice it in a way that will def hurt society..both socially and physically...if it was said its ok to rob and fraud and in a war?where one has to kill to survive?how will the world be?more chaotic than right now that we do know more we def need rules..a make sure it doesnt get out of hand... but for homosexuality...homosexuals do wat they wanna do..cos yap they are gaining smthing from it..what?only they know...they are gaining the same things we might be gaining by doing some other things?a sense of belongin?comfort?pleasure?....which they dun gain even tho if they did the same things like us?...but socially does it corrupt?i mean ...what might mean corrupt to me might not mean the same to another...but does it preaches violence? etc?all it is askn for is acceptance...(thts me opinion anyways hehe) If we start saying homosexuality is not right..just cos we dun understand it..and cos we have not been 'taught' or nothing in our history says its ok to be a homosexual...isnt that a form of segregation itself? if anyone thinks..this keepin purity of who we are is make sure we dun lose our identity..they will def not support homosexuality...but those who thinks identity of wt we are..what what we can become..(past glories hah..why cant we get over it!!)..that to make it better...its about acceptance(accepting that is acceptable..def not talkin about accepting killin...robbing ..cheating ..wars etc hehe)..nature made us men or women...but there are time nature made freaks...siamese twins....etc..why?i mean i hate to label them as freaks..but just to get me point across...they def wont feel the same as us...if we were to just think nature is always right..and we shud follow wat it made us..wat we shud be..wat about those..who doesnt know wat nature made them to be?nature do makes mistakes...doesnt it?.but wat is the mistake nature made? is it the 'diff' ppl it made that was its mistakes..or is it us?who cant just accept that there will be minorities who wont be like us..who are diff from us...just cos they are made the way they are by nature..for impotent man(im not one btw if u thinkn im one ;oP hehe..just clairifyn duh!!hehe)..what must he be thinkin his whole life?he is a impotent one...wat does it make him?why did nature make him so like men..but didnt give him all his capabilities?...can anyone answer him? so many questions out there..that never will be answered...but wel in the end...(i better finish this!!!hehe i got work to do and dyam i got carried away wahahahaah)...anyone who did botherd to read this..hope i did make some sense and me point came across..(i think i tangent off too many times hehe thats the way i am:oS hehe).....two ways to look at it....either naturally...or socially..(is there more?).... socially...its more about being taught..and this we know can change in time..just look at how far we humans have changed socially...dun we find it dumb that we used to burn ppl once not that long ago..cos we called them witches?... and about nature...all nature does tell that there will be a lot of diff types of us...both in skin and color....(well one day if everyone does have a bit of each of us..i guess we can eradicate this skin and color..but do we wanna lose our so called 'identity' that we do seem so proud of?i mean im glad im a nepali...but then again ..if someone else is proud to be who they are...well they are like us :oD..and well of cos we get a bit not too happy thinkn some of our identity is goin to get lost..but look at the big picture!!hehe)..and even with same skin and color...some wont have wat others normally have..and mind?no mind are the sames..if anyone says it is..well we have common things..but same to the extreme level?well u know wat i mean hehe.. in the end...well one thing i do believe we have..that we are so proud to that we have our mind and we make our own decisions..tho of cos there will be factors that affects our decisions....but in the everyone knows...we need a bit more acceptance..and even if u accept it or not...homosexuals..and their culture is here to stay ;o)...and to make ones life easier..its better to accept and adapt..unless if u wanna be hitler good luck ;oP... well i dunno me history details..but i like to believe..a part of hitler was jewish..thats why he hated it so much..cos he was left 'alone' by a part of him...bloody ironies... wat is right bhaney?is there an absolute right?...lets 1st get rid of the homosexuals..cos they are a minority..lets not them "exist" and once that is done...lets see who is the next minority?...what race?..wat religion?.etc...hah... i know i wont see armegeddon in me life..but dyam it be fun to see it hehe...pretty much goin there dun u think so?but then again..we humans been surviving for guess me better not underestimate us humans ;oP hehe...guess if there was no "conflicts" and "issues" world just wont be the same for us ;oD.....we do like to create conflicts for ourself dun u think?like im doing it for meself!!i better go do me work!!!wahahahaha.. anyways sobeNO bro..its always nice to read wat u write :oD...i dun feel no hatred towards me or me opinions..and well if im feeln wrong..cos im a bit insensitive..dun mind me ;o) hehe..but im just sharing me opinions..that might now make sense :oD...but def no hatred hai..hehe..and nah i dun call it a debate..cos duh!!im not tryn to win or anything of cos i will def contradict meself a lot..cos one has to question oneself to find the answer too hoina?DIY!!!!!hehehe...if i dun even question meself..will other ppl questions make sense to me?smthing to ponder hoina ;o) hehe... good luck to me (need to rush now hehe)...and i wont be replyn for few weeks if u do share ur opinions dun mind me other things to do that has to be done..if not u know?we have to do wat we have to do to survive :oD hehe... and good day :oD... and mm bro nice to see u writing ;o) hehe... *gone*
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