Posted by: shirish October 16, 2005
ASAD - shirish writes A Sher A Day
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Nepe Thank You. I was working on two more shers and one of them had "thuknu" and "bhuknu" and you were faster than me. Here is my version. एक अघि बढे, पछि दुई हट्ने, बिचलन ल्याउने आफै हौं नियत, प्रबृतिलाई सफाई दिई भाग्यलाई थुक्न नपरोस् !!!! श्रद्दामा झुक्ने मेरो शिर, मुकुटको भारले झुक्न नपरोस् ! ईज्जत जोगाउन सगरमाथाको छायामा लुक्न नपरोस् ! पानी परे पसीनासंग मिसाऔं, नभागौ कर्मथलोबाट , माटोको निम्ति बगाएको पसिना निधारमै सुक्न नपरोस् ! बालौं अब फोहर खरानी सम्मै, कुहिनै पनि नपावोस्, घरि घरि आंखा पोल्ने गरि फेरि आगो फुक्न नपरोस् ! एउटै निष्कर्षको लागी कति पटक अरु लड्नु पर्ने खै ? स्वार्थ निहित सम्झौता गरि फेरि मौकाबाट चुक्न नपरोस् ! बलिदान पर्यन्तको परिबर्तन परन्तु बदनाम निस्केर , भाबी पुस्तालाई पनि बन्दूकै बोकेर शान्ति ढुक्न नपरोस् ! Gautam jee, Dhanyabad I have very little knowledge about the rules and Nepe is the authority on this. However, my understanding is you don't count the halantas or count two halanta as one syllable *jhelli garna* but it also depends on how long it takes to read/pronounce. I do not claim mine to be good with beher. You may have to look at some classical ghazals to mater which is comproble to writing in "chanda" and I think it will take a long time for me to attain that level and at this momment I am not even bothering that. So I may write a ghazal but NOT a good ghazal. Regards Mabi
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