Posted by: BathroomCoffee August 18, 2005
Login in to Rate this Post:     0       ? ('Cocaine users in their mid-40s had more than four times the risk of coronary artery aneurysms as non-users, researchers report in today's Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association . . .' May 2005) ('During the first hour after using cocaine, the user's risk of heart attack increases nearly 24 times . . . The average age of people in the study who suffered heart attacks soon after using cocaine was only 44', Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association: 1999) (George W: 'As America's first President who is on record as having "not used any illegal drugs since 1974," I want to assure the public that my administration is doing everything in its power to preserve the safety of this vital and economy-boosting staple . . .') Cocaine Addicts Can't Help It Cocaine users have significant differences in brain structures to non-users, which could make them less able to consider the consequences of their actions, a new US study suggested this week. According to researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, coke users tend to have smaller amygdala, though they were unsure whether the differences caused people to use the drug, or followed as a result of use. "These observations are relevant because cocaine-dependent subjects have significant difficulty identifying the potential negative outcomes of their behaviour or acknowledging that these outcomes could transpire," research chief Nikos Makris told the BBC. His comments reflected the experiences of acid house pioneer Nicky Holloway who very publicly battled a cocaine addiction several years ago. "Cocaine is the worst thing really, because you surround yourself with people who are doing the same, so you end up on this merry-go-round and think that's normal life," Nicky told online portal I Like Music in a recent chat. "It doesn't mess you up overnight but slowly but surely nibbles away at you, and you think you're alright, but you're not and everyone else can see it, but you can't see it or admit it." Nicky's views matched those of his fellow acid house luminary Danny Rampling who warned about the drug's potential perils in an interview with Skrufff last year. "Cocaine is actually a far from glamorous drug and people fool themselves into thinking there is no comedown with coke which is far from the truth," said Danny. "In reality it induces apathy, major anxiety, and heavy all week blues, for some users fuelling even greater use. Let's hope that cocaine will not be considered fashionable and cool for much longer," he added. "No one shall beat a drum or tom-tom or blow a trumpet or beat or sound any instrument or use any sound amplifier at night except in public emergencies." (Guardian) India's chief justice RC Lahoti formally outlaws all amplified sound between 10pm and 6am throughout the entire sub continent's residential areas. (Jihad slogan T shirts: 'I'll Give You Jihad, You Miserable, Rag-Headed, Heathen Bastards', US only) (Winston Smith: 'Act Like Nothing's Wrong') ('Live a praiseworthy life and die a martyr's death' shirts, 'ilm stands for the information liberation movement. Ilm is also Arabic for knowledge . . .') (No Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons) ('Prison gangs are everywhere, and effect every inmate. When a new convict is admitted he is viewed as fresh meat among the prison gang members and victimized to no end. Prison gangs are a convict's means of survival in an environment so starved of morals that violence, rape and murder are just a daily reality . . . ') (Victor Hassine's Life Without Parole: 'topics covered include rape, prison gangs, prison violence, AIDS, homosexuality, and prison politics. The Third Edition features five new chapters. It continues to graphically document the violence and fear that are a part of everyday life in a men's maximum-security prison.')
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