Posted by: sanamdhun August 13, 2005
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Nepal, a land of possibilities
Friday August 12 2005 16:22:32 PM BDT
It was interesting reading Bloomfield?s article in The Rising Nepal, July 28. To a certain extent, I do agree with him that, we Nepalis do not stand united against atrocities of terrorism and instead try to use it to pursue our own political agendas. However, if you compare Nepal to countries like UK and US we are bound to look more than a little inadequate in terms of political maturity. England has a history of invading, destroying or colonizing other countries in the name of national interests, where as we have not yet been able to resolve even our internal politics.
However, as far as England?s definition or their stance on terrorism is concerned what we need to realize is that it is not important. England is the most irrelevant ally of America. Important but irrelevant. They are the only ally which will always support America under any circumstances. Tony Blair?s speeches are probably prepared in White House instead of any part of England or may be some university student is writing them right now in the US.
It should also be mentioned to Bloomfield that, Nepal might be more democratic today than England is. We do not shoot people in the head five times on the suspicion of being a terrorist. We do not have thousands of people imprisoned in concentration camps without charging them for indefinite period of time. What is even more absurd is that, when one British Muslim is suspected of involvement in terrorist act the British government claim that it is Muslim community?s responsibility to restrain or contain religious extremism. This however has shown that in England, there are native white Christians known as Britons and the rest are basically just communities. They have different cultures living near each other but not together and that is not multi-culturism.
There are other issues that need to be taken into consideration before judging Nepal or Nepalis in any way. Nepal is an extra-ordinary country where anything is possible. This is a country where ADB does investigation on corruption cases for free and we are expected to accept its result as if it were our supreme court. I wonder if it happens in England. In Nepal a neighboring country can sponsor terrorist which takes lives of thousands of Nepalis while UK, US and UN support suspension of military assistance to the government. Madhav K. Nepal in an interview on Kantipur Television said that, he believed Maoists were committing terrorists acts and adds, ?just because your actions are terrorist like, does not mean you are terrorist?. Well, can there be a leader so stupid or deceitful in any other countries? It is like saying, just because you commit a crime it does not make you a criminal. I am ashamed of being a Nepali, if he actually does represent Nepali people. There are also too many intellectuals in Nepal. Whether you are watching T.V or reading newspapers these intellectuals are always mentioned. I have never heard on BBC, ?the intellectuals of England have decided this and advised this to the government?. I don?t know who categorizes them as intellectuals and why they are never in the government but always have advises to give to the government of Nepal. In Nepal politicians claim that Maoist terrorism is a political struggle. What is a political struggle? Maoists have and are still killing innocent people, teachers, children, women and so on. They have been shaking hands with the politicians, they talk about negotiations with the politicians and the King and finally they want to collaborate with the seven gangs to incite more violence. Looking at these scenario, I cannot call it a political struggle. If it were any other country (without outside interference) the seven gangs would have been labeled terrorists a long time ago. In Nepal, politicians can go out on the street demanding their right to power without participating in elections and the so called intellectuals of Nepal support it (they are not actually intellectuals but are only pretending to be, that is why no names are ever mentioned. They are simply called the intellectuals).
We even have human rights organizations protesting on the streets with students causing traffic jams, chaos and inconveniences to the general public. Well, HR organizations encouraging students to leave schools and get out on the streets to fulfill their political agendas. Is this not like child labor? I would say this is nothing less than child labor as it not only destroys future of involved students but also those who are not willing to participate. Human rights organizations in Nepal are full of, Maoist, Nepali congress and CPN-UML party workers.
So, Nepal is an incredible country where anything is possible. The democratic system has been completely destroyed by the democratic thugs themselves. G. P. Koirala will probably live for another 250 years (until then no else can be the PM for long) and after he is dead there will be another long list of Koiralaas who will do anything to get to and remain in power. Nepali people are intelligent, tolerant, incredibly friendly, honest, laid back and forgiving people. Even with so much disparity, poverty and political turmoil we are well educated about the world and its politics. However idiots from the gang of seven have destroyed both our international image and country itself. My belief is that, it is incredibly difficult to defeat idiots and really wise people and that is why Nepalis have struggled to defeat this gang of looters. They do not represent us or our way of thinking but they have oppressed us for more than a decade and hence they will not be supported by any of us.