Posted by: hark_bahadur August 4, 2005
Specialists Vs. Generalists: A ESSAY
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Just for the fun, I wrote an analytical essay to be graded by GRE e-rater. It scored 5. I was hoping 6, the highest score. Composed in about 20 min. Enjoy it if you like. Please I am not aiming at self-promotion. .......................................................................................................... "In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists -- people who can provide broad perspectives." To me this statement represents a powerful truth with which I, however, do not agree. Indeed in a modern world the specialists are prized more than the generalists, people with the encyclopedic range of interests. As technology gets more sophisticated, we depend on the specialists to apply it for human convenience. In medical profession, a focus on specialization is welcome trend. There is so much research going on that only specialists can master all the intricate details of that area. Cancer, AIDS and Alzheimer?s diseases are glaring examples in which men and women will benefit more if there are more specialists. A non specialist will find himself lost in the bewildering maze of modern research unless he devotes himself to a narrow subject for years and years. In natural science one scientist does not understand what another is doing unless they share the same interests and areas. So, specialization is the result of increasing accumulation of knowledge and understanding of ever more complex state of science. In social science also, there is increasing tendency towards more specialization. In modern world specialists are necessity. But to idolize the specialization is to miss the grand picture of the truth and wisdom. Only generalists provide the basis upon which the modern society can sustain its progress. Let us not forget that modern civilization arose out of all encompassing curiosity of the Renaissance men. They were the people to whom no question was trivial and no field anathema. The ancient Greek spirit of enquiry into every conceivable subject was the chrysalis of the Renaissance men. Science is the basis of our technological society. It could not have been discovered without the universal zeal of the early founders for whom all knowledge was worth striving for. To take an example, let us talk of Newton. He had widest interests. He devoured the Greek and Roman classics. He was a man of widest culture and many interests. Besides pioneering classical physics and mathematics, he devoted his interests to theology and other subjects. His nonscientific writings run to several volumes. Another great figure was Einstein who also had polymathic interests. It may be said I am giving examples of truly rare individuals of world history. But there are many lesser known people who are wiser, more educated and more refined because they are generalists. The world will be a less interesting place if it were run by only specialists. While their narrow focus is understandable, they alone can not make the world just, human and harmonious. The specialists miss the great meaning of life if they remain staunchly wedded to their narrow world. Happiness, wisdom and peace are in the final analysis more important to lead a meaningful life than material comfort. I must say there is no consensus. Although specialists contribute to make our life more comfortable materially, it is the generalist who can help us realize the deeper meaning of life and the urge for happiness and wisdom without which any life will be incomplete.
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