Posted by: wateva July 29, 2005
Could I...
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Could I have a PERSONAL skivvy, serf, vassal (or any other preferred term than slave!)? PS in short! SO it all started this lazy afternoon when I was twice jilted and nothing better to do than catch up with a friend. However, she thought the idea was outrageous and didn't quite like the use of word slave, so I looked for synonyms. Quite brilliant I would say, I like the synonyms even better! Everybody must be wondering what would I do with a slave? It is a good question... I hadn't quite given a thought when my friend asked me the same question. This was my small attempt to explain, which by far does not include all the duties or qualities my PS should possess. But I hope somebody gets a general idea, well I really dont give a shit if no body does either. I said to her, haven't you ever have that moment when you are hungry but you dont quite feel like getting up preparing the food or even microwave the already prepared one.. well PS could be useful for that. Very menial little things that I have, I want it done, just not by me! OR Very Big things in life, you never know. Its a job full of adventure and NEVER a dull moment. So how does one qualify for becoming my PS? Well I figured I will have an application out. THis is how it shall be and the qualified ones will be interviewed further for the post. Application for PS For Moi! Name:________________ Age:______________ Location: A requirement to be where ever I am! At all times. Or just be a phone call away. Profession: Yes PLease... I want self sufficient PS's since its not a paying job they might want to be have an income Eligibility: Depends on my moods...But - Some brains a requirement - good sense of humour a plus - people who can't speak much preferred - good looks are preferred not required - good manners are required - ability to listen and do as instructed Previous Experience: A must. Any form of girlfriends, serious relationships or abusive wifes would be given prefrences. Someone who lives with it not revolted against it. _________________________________________ References: Required. Phone number of a girlfriend would be good. ______________ Skills: Depends. List all that applies. _________________________________ Signature: _________________ Date: ________________ OK so thats that.. I think this is a great idea. I could start a website Wow! Ingenious!
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