Posted by: sand_is_deep July 15, 2005
*Top 21 things a Nepali does after returning from USA*
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Damn happy days..... whats up with you and putting nepalese people down.... you shouldnt think that everybody tries to show of.... Imma give you the reasons 21. They might be so used to using credit card normally.. and it might be their reflex action to paying something... 20. After living in the US, your body is so used to hygenic food/drinks that you would get sick after drinking water of nepal(not trying to be offensive, I LOVE NEPAL) and that does happen.... and you get scared... blah, dont wanna be sick during your visit to nepal.. 19.used to NOT stinking.... There is a shortage of water in nepal.... you cant use it like US... gotta do whatever to not yourself smell like a pig....... So, that is not coz they dont wanna take a bath 18. They are used to saying that... Reflex action, reflex action.... 17. Hey you doing..... its easier than HI, HOW ARE YOU DOING???? REST.... thats what they call it over here..... 16. First couple of days.. they WOULD be able to notice the pollution... and they are gonna say it.... 15. You say whatever you know..... if you know the distant in mile, you would say it in mile.. and if you happen to know the distant in KM, you would say it in KM... again... its about how you learned it.... same with money..... 14. Damn, why would YOU do it?? Stop stressing your mind too much... 13. haha, i seriously dont give what the % fat is...... 12. thats how people who come to US learn how to pronounce the last alphabet "Z" 11. used to mm/dd/yr.... and i dont know why would you say that somebody would think its british.... they would just be like.... damn, its must be how its written in nepal.... 10. Nah, thats one of the main reciepe that you gotta try once you go to nepal... you are gonna hate the road condition... coz you are so used to the ones abroad.... 09. If somebody does.. then they got some health problem.... and why would somebody do it.... 08. Some people dont like HOT stuff... 07. Some people happen to be concerned with fat... some are diabetics... and why not take something that you think is better for you... 06. Complain.. or enjoy it???? 05. Thats how you pronounce dem words... 04. Coz its good 03. Some people are just lazy.. or dont really wanna waste their time taking it out.... 02. WHAT???? 01. Not everybody talks that way....
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