Posted by: ashu July 14, 2005
Bichara Shiva Shrestha...
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OK, It's been a slow day, so let me take up your posting. On this PUBLICLY available site, ANY part of your or anyone else's posting can be used to pass comments on -- both good or bad. Maybe you are new to this whole Sajha thing, but this is the nature of FREE-FLOWING and a DEMOCRATIC nature of public discussions. This is why, I tolerate Nepe's postings, while he, presumably, tolerates mine . . . and life goes on just fine. You are a democrat; why do you have such a difficult time dealing with the fact that any part of your posting can be picked by anyone to comment upon publicly? I certainly have NO problem if you or others do the same to my comments. This give-and-take of ideas and opinions is what makes Sajha Sajha. FYI, I have NEVER claimed myself as "a brilliant product of Harvard Business School". Most Sajha visitors know this. If others portray me as such, then, they are being kind and untruthful. Hence, my simple request to you: If you are going to use my words against me (and that's fine!), then, FIRST at least please quote me accurately. That's the basic act of decency you can do. At least, I have NEVER misquoted you! Else, your use of FALSE evidence and FALSE quotes make you look doubly khattam. If engineers like you (and I FULLY know that this reference to your engineering background pisses you off, and hence I am using this for the LAST time), repeatedly FAIL to consider counter-arguments and counter-evidence to any position, then, it's sad that despite your technical education, you remain unable to use its tools to understand and explain social issues around us by using simple and clear straightforward logic. As for my political views, maybe my columns in Nepali Times may give you some ideas on a case-by-case basis. Meantime, I enjoy challenging so-called democrats on Sajha to informally sharpen my own thinking about various issues related to Nepal. oohi ashu
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