Posted by: IndisGuise May 18, 2005
Join DC Rally. May 15. Part 2
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LOL. :) Now, "तिनीहरुको मनभित्र पसेर हेर्नु, वास्तवमा त्यो राजतन्त्रप्रतिको सकारात्मक समर्थन नभएर अक्षम र भ्रष्ट नेताहरु प्रतिको नकारात्मक विद्रोह हो, त्यसैले मौलिक रुपमै खराब कुरो होईन त्यो । " Absolutely. Along with barbaric inhuman blood fest of Maoist. "प्रजातन्त्रका यी तीन महान शत्रुहरुमध्ये कुनै दूईलाई काखी च्यापेर वा भविष्यको जिम्मामा सुम्पेर तेश्रोलाई प्रहार गरी खतम गर्ने योजना कुनै तिक्ष्ण वुद्धिको "वुद्धिजीवी" लाई त राम्रै लाग्ला तर त्यस्तो काममा ज्यान फाल्न अवुद्धिजीवी साधारण जनता अघि सर्ने छैनन् । र यो पछिल्लो वर्गको समर्थन/सहभगिता बिना नै प्रजातन्त्र ल्याउने सपना कसैले नदेखे हुन्छ ।" Nepe ji, I could not agree more with these logical presentations. Being born as human, gifted by god with a mind to think and heart for passion; my blood is no less redder than yours. I do not want to be living in a place where some people are born a god and rest of are enslaved; however different names/way we might want to present it. Equality is must. Among all races, all Nepalese. But, like MAJORITY of Nepalese, I do not know, where to turn to. Who to believe? I have seen enough of these politicians absolutely raping our nation, and abusing and playing with law, like a baby in a craddle. Gyane; it is obvious who and what he is. Maoist ( those who are actually practicing the inhuman acts), they are not even human. Then who? Us? Yes of course. But as ironic as it might be, we need few leaders, (not father figure: mind you); strong enough to direct the flow of positive energy of masses to build something constructive, and weak enough to be held accountable and punished. Alas, the nature to be "all strong and untouchable" among our own respective circles (political groups), does not allow it to happen. My intake, however unprofessional it might be, is : The first phase to board a plane for 'total democracy' would be punish/ prosecute corrupt leaders. OK, it is board and too complicated to nail all of them. But at least, if the parties, especially the new generation politicians (not gundas), would revolt within the party and THROW AWAY those old crooks FOREVER, with no chance to return under any circumstances; and bring transparency within their network, a lot of people with a dream for free and PEACEFUL Nepal would at first, ideologically, then (most probably) physically stand together against these three axis-of-evils. We are tired of these politicians; we do not feel they are speaking for us. What is the difference if a bandit runs a country or a "daku" or a murderer? Ok murderer are different; but that bandit and those "dakus' are same. One got to suck our blood for centuries and others WILL if they get a chance. SO, those old corrupt and undemocratic 'Netas' need to go once and for all; never to be return under ANY PRETEXT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANES. Then, only then, will the 'JANTA' will rise; depending on the status quo of the circumstances. Mero dui sabda. Jai Nepal, IndisGuise:)
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