Posted by: wateva May 5, 2005
Could I...
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Okay... Good Morning to myself! Muwaaah lovely! Beautiful morning. I was sitting and thinking what should I write today? So I thought oh wait, I could be like Carrie in Sex and the City, only I wouldn't be writing about me and my slutty friends sex life. I mean it would be like a cheap re-run of the show, what's the use? So I might actually write about this SajhaLand , and my seriously Amazing thoughts about that. Wow, it could be a daily blog of sorts until I get bored or it wears off... lets see what happens first. Its like a countdown. You know when there are like 10 seconds left of something and you start 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 .... I wonder where this countdown is? Has it reached seven or six yet? Or is it at four? Or maybe just 9? We'll see (Sound effects -- brakes screeeeeeeching) No drifting. Back to SajhaLand! OKay so I started reading all these threads in the morning. WHY? I wonder sometimes... out of 100 new ones that gets posted EVERYDAY, like 1 or 2 are worth reading. Others are just CRAP. And everyone knows that. I went to this thread called "bad poetry"... sounded interesting. Such a disappointment. I mean some person wanted a literary piece when the author obviously STARTED the thread saying bad poetry... I mean cmonnn.... Oh gotta give it to them, some shit in there was funny! Now, many times everyone has been told, "Dont Judge a book by its cover". How many of us actually listen? Well 99% of all the people who comment in this website seem not to listen, so statistically hardly anybody listens to that crap. (Although, if I have to admit to myself its a great philosophy and those who have a life other than here might be wise to adopt it in reality.) Virtually, no one really gives a shit. So, I did the same today. I was looking at the list of threads and I see "NEPALIS IN EUROPE"... I am like CRAAAAP... But then who is not interested in crap at some point? There should be a reason why shows like Jerry Springer exists, if at all. So, I said to myself, "It would be my crap exploration for the day." But as it turns out, I was wrong. It is quite an interesting thread. Apart from the fact that I have always wanted to be in Europe, all the little anecdotes people write there, tidbits and stuff about places, people and languages, pretty interesting. Only the repeated complain that some nations are more racist than others, bugs the hell out of me. Like you hail from the most racist part of the freaking world, GET OVER IT. Deal like the rest of the world is dealing and after a while it gets better. If mean if it doesn't move or kill yourself... whatever suits you! (or watch this movie REQUIEM FOR A DREAM and THEN KILL YOURSELF!) So with that as my advice for the day, I sign off! (I think I need a punchline to end or something.... aha I will think about that next time I am writing this. But punch line, much necessary!)
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