Posted by: chicadenepal April 20, 2005
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zara..sorry i am not stupid not a black person for u to be calling me that.. but I just wanted to make a point pretty much the king has been all talk but no action..notice how the problem got worst after he came into power.. secondly if he want to get rid of maoist why diconnect phones.. u know how many emergencies there might have been and noone could call the cops on the ambulence.. I mean I am sure nothing major happened otherwise we would have heard it on the news (or would we have)..being a king u need to thing of the consequences ur action can have on people. if he had nothing to hide..why stop people from talking..people talk but him stopping them from talking shows that he had something to hide dont get me wrong.. I love the fact we have a king but sometimes I feel like I like the idea of having a king more than the king himself.. IF I am wrong (and I a hope I am) I want him to prove it to me..BY not only ACTIONS but RESULTS
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