Posted by: Andrew WA April 11, 2005
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"If someone is so interested in seeing reality in "moving pictures" I believe they better watch "documentries" simply because the sole purpose of documetries are to bring moving pictures of reality into the screen along with opinion of different sides associated with the realily depicted in the documentries."
I dont really agree, but you do have a good point and I see what you are saying. What I think is even though movies are not real people who see them WANT to believe its real while they watch it. Its about the experience. Like just knowing Jackie Chan is doing his own real stunts makes the illusion more real. Thats what martial arts movies are all about.
Also a lot of people want more realistic story lines instead of just action or whatever. Like people want to see movies that could very well happen to them. or think about what they would do in their situation. Like most people want a more realistic movie about romance then others. Some want it to work out in the movie how it would in real life. So some of the movies with so much sex are not very realistic. but in other cases all of the sex is realistic. It depends on what kind of person you are and what you look for in a movie.