Posted by: Dananah April 9, 2005
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dyam so much movies :O:O:O:O
kalanki bro!!wat u doing!!burn them and send it to em ;o)...and yap animated hehe...dyam i forgot that word that other dumb of me hehe..dunnop where me mind off to these days...errrr...if i had a mind hehe...yap that song playing in me mind ma all lies...i typed all lies there i tell u :o(..well thot i wasnt in me mind..:o(...well ke garney...a guy gotta do wat he has gotta do..desperation does make us lie ...forgive me hai...hehe ;oP..dhat dunno wat im talkn hehe
and kalanki bro hehe..i always liked robin williams movies :o)..i think he chooses roles that depicts himself in soem ways..and makes that role kinda show wat he is like in person..things that he might never would have liked to shown in real ..cos hehe..a bit loony ;o) hehe..well guess he is kinda me role model hehe..and nope no gay feelns for him!!GRRRR!!!just correctin in case hehe..well u know how weird the world is...hehe..u never know wat the other person is thinking..cos of wat they read hehe..and NOPE!!just cos im clarifyin..doesnt mean im hiding smthing!!SHEESSSH!!!trust ppl!!learn to trust!!!GRRRRRR!!hehe ;oP
and kalanki bro..since u good hehe i take ur word for it ;o)..abo yo duniya ma..if a bro doesnt trust a bro who else to trust hoina?keti?nah..they will screw u left and right..up and down hehe..and dyam why do we like that :O:O:O:O ;oP hehe ko risha yo ho?good good..thik paryo!!!!!malai tension diney!!!!GRRRRRRRRR!!!hehe ;oP..good for time pass re?will it stop me from coming here then?hehe..seems like a movie i should watch..hehe..think im hanging around here too much ..urghh and too much is never good hoina?hehe...oh hope somene also realises she is hanging around here too much ;oP hehe
anyways dun stop recommending nice movies ;o) tha..time paucha hola ekdin to go rent some hehe..or get someone to go and rent for me hehe...;oP...dhat this slacking habit is bad..:o(....
and john bro...wat movie is that?dyam dyam dyam!!i know nothing these days...GRRRR!!! as tho i knew before wahahahah ;oP oh well nice to act like we do know smtimes hoina ;o) to try feel how it feels to know hehe...
anyways hehe im off now..have fun guys...doing smthing fun to timepass if u have time to pass awaits for me!!!wooohooo!!!hehe
good day
(ps .rose ji hehe... timi ta ps ma pugyo..sorry wahahahaha ;oP...well better than nothin hoina?at least i still do remember u ;oP hehe...anyways have fun here..and i heard some days of eclipse happening from shadow showing for a while ;o)..dun get too worried...there will be light after darkness hehe..till then enjoy ur darkness ;o)....hehe...and how much did u pay kalanki bro to write good stuffs about Hitch?should ahve passed me the $$ time and save effort hehe ;oP ..and is that movie about being Hitched?hehe..cos well alikiti thinking literally ...kina ho kina ho ;oP hehe...enuf now hehe...cya...:o) )