Posted by: Dananah April 8, 2005
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oi Hitch pay u to advertise that movie ho?jaha pani advertising it!!!GRRRRR!!!;oP hehe must be dumb movie then hehe ...who cares for romance!!!!give me comedy!!!anytime!!anywhere!!!heehe
dyam me..i should be heading back home..they are showing American Pie..dunno how many times i watched it..but hehe...well..dumb and nice movie ni many nice things to see hehe ;oP...
kalanki bro hehe came to say hi to actually ;o) hehe...dyam always been wanting to watch the incredibles actually hehe...and lots of the cartoons that i missed out hehe...well cant really call them cartoons can we?hehe makes them sound low class ;oP..well who cares ;oP hehe..
anyways laters..hehe