Posted by: Bhrasta_Netaa February 24, 2005
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Umbiquitous Well, as a person he might have been a brilliant guy (which I dont know) yet in the end it is well clear that he has been used by the so called political parties which in the last 15 years have proven themselves as assho**es. Well if such an argument can be put forward then it can be well said that Hitler had a collection of some of the best generals, soldiers, most advaced war machines(at that time) and probaly had more brilliant scientists than the rest of the world. Germans during that time changed the doctrine of Tank battle(which Americans used to score unimaginably quick victory in the intial stage of Iraq war) , produced the first operational jet-fighter aircraft, First operational ballastic missile and so much more. But in the end it was used for fullfilling Hitler's ambitions which the rest of the world hated. I dont believe we need any political parties any more and probably the Maoists had realized early on the fact that the leaders like Gagan Thapa and useless political parties were going to serve for the interests of that political party and its party workers therefore the Maoists started getting rid of leaders of political parties at village and district level. I wish the Maoists get rid of leaders like Gagan Thapa and rest of the political parties if they ever venture around maoist areas and at the same time Gynendra should get rid of these Gagan Thapa and the rest of the bunch with harsh measures. Though the Maoists and Monarchists might hate each other but I guess both the camps do agree on gettting rid of politicians like gagan thapa and rest of the bunch of political parties and its leaders.
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