Posted by: what more February 17, 2005
what next if..........
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i don't see how anything different will happen in terms of the war. it will be long. and it will be drawn out. and vicious. and bloody. it will be that way whether there is more military assistance or not. no difference there. the price will be paid by the people. the warring factions don't have any incentive to stop the war. the military is eager to prove its worth. it cannot do that if the war is over. the maoists, well, they aren't going to die down soon no matter how much arms come into the country. as long as both sides are bent on military moves, there is going to be a protracted war. yeah, politicians couldn't do shit. but G can't do shit either. no way. we haven't moved forward in any way. we are where we were, a deadlock, with the people's wound being opened more and more every day. rivers of blood.
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