Posted by: Arryan February 7, 2005
What JESUS or Lord Buddha would say?
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Never seen this much OPTIMISM before, keep up the good faith, & unity! LETS BRING PEACE AT ANY COST!!! QUOTE OF THE DAYS- "Hi guys, you are putting your ideas from developed and so called "democratic" countries. Have you ever been to western part of Nepal where Maoists have set their 'Capital' of new Nepal. Situation was the same before royal take over and is the same after that. Do you think we have basic rights under their rule? You can not speak truth against them otherwise yo will be gone forever." - RITU "If Gyanendra could crush the rebels, that will only help to India's causes. Because if Gyanendra fails, either India has to accept maoists rule in the country or intervene militarily. Why would it choose for the alternatives that ask for it's direct military involvement. Moreover any military intervention by India would never be a welcome move in Nepal.So the Indians agreed to give Gyanendra a chance even it was against their belief that Multiparty democracy and constituional monarchy are the two pillars of Nepal's stability and development." - NEWUSER "we will help you and support you in every move. But if it goes other way round and you start misusing the power then there will not be Kingdom of Nepal in worlds map. There will either be a state of India called as Nepal or will be a ruthless communist republic of Nepal. You are our last hope, do not let us down." - NEPAL AMA KO CHORA "I agree in 21st century we can not think about autocratic rule... but if the autocratic rule gives peace and corruption free nepal where every one can compete equally and live happily with their family and in their own home then I am ready to support the move...." SAVENEPAL "when we used to leave our doors open with all lights on during Laxmi Puja. Sad but true - no more "bhailini aaeen angana". We even had to sacrifice our culture in the name of democracy." -NEPALICNN MERINEPALAMA: ".... Chiranjibi wagle use to be a street vendor of chill know as "khursani maila" now he has 60 million that is corruption in 60 fold....... that is just a example... " "One nepali is killing the other one, in the name of democracy and revolution". We are not fighting with any alien or someone from outer space. We are fighting with ourselves, getting victamized ourselves. And some third party like India taking an advantages." - SAMAJ SEWAK "if King Gyanendra have to hand over to anyone at this situation, do we have any person, whom he can trust, can give our full support, not corrupted and whose pure intension is to serve the nation !" - SAMAJ SEWAK "I have seen enough in Nepal and was partly a victim of these netas while working in government office purely as a technical person, they are never serious about the future of our country, all they cared was about their position in the party. They do not deserve to lead our country. Let?s give this king a chance, at least he has shown some courage, he is putting everything at stake, for what? isn?t this something? Let?s not get carried away by false media and off shoots of these netas. We need to support him, we might never get another chance. We gave opportunity to those netas our 15 yr?s of life so why are we so reluctant about giving 1/5-th of this time to King? Nepal is not yet ready for so called democracy, especially if it is triggered by neighboring bully." - WHEELS "I don't hate Indians. However, I dont like Indians for these reasons: provoking propogandas that the birth place of Gautam Budhha is in India. writing in their textbook that Mount Everest is in India. Not pressurizing Bhutan to repatriate it's refugees. Rooting out border pillars and moving them further north. Sending army and police to Nepal to provoke outrage in the border. Enundating Nepal by controlling the flow of rivers in monsoon." - NEWUSER "we cannot blame Indians. We are ourself to be blamed for our collective failure to deal with India to hammer out positive results in favour of Nepal." - NEWUSER
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