Posted by: Nepe January 17, 2005
Of Models And Supermodels
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Nispaksha ji, First of all I must thank you for being साँच्चिकै निस्पक्ष in your previous postings. Particularly I appreciate your pointing out to Ashu how he is confusing 'what should be' with 'what will be'. And of course your frank remark about Nepe's आफुसंग विमति राखने हरुको उछित्तो खन्ने काम । As I have admitted in the previous posting, I do उछित्तो खन्ने काम, but not to all आफुसंग विमति राखने हरु. It is only to certain category of people. विमति त यहाँ साझामा लगभग सबैसंग राख्छु कुनै न कुनै कुरामा । From Gokul ji ( on philosophy) to Sitara (on faith) to Biswo (on issues like abortion and Sanskrit for Nepal) to Paschim ( on republicanism) and everybody else. उनिहरुप्रति मेरो कत्रो श्रद्धा र सम्मान छ । अब लागौं ब्रम्हरहस्यको कुरा तिर । यो ब्रम्हरहस्य मैले साझामा यस अघि खोल्दै नखोलेको चाहीं होईन । ल हेर्नुस मेरा यी पाल्सी शब्दहरु एउटा पुरानो posting बाट (हाम्रा पानी पण्डित दीपक ज्ञवालीले टिके मन्त्री भएर प्रजातान्त्रिक नागरिक समाजप्रति बेबफाई गरे भन्ने मेरो अप्रसन्नताबाट भड्केका आशु र अरुहरु संग मेरो शास्त्रार्थ बाट उद्धरण गरेको ) - "In a plain and simple language Gyanedra abused dhara 127. If you want, I can show you it's letter does not give him any right to take over the executive power against Prime minister's will. I can also show you other article and clauses that does not allow him to take over the power on his own discretion. Still, I am not saying that Gyanendra Maharaj ko kadam was unconstitutional. It was neither unconstitutional nor constitutional. In fact, it has nothing to do with the constitution. Yes, Sajha folks, you heard me right. Gyanendra Maharaj lied to you. This lier did not use the clause 127 of the constitution to take over the power. He actually used the clause 001 of the paraconstitution of Nepal. Ever heard about it ? No, na ? Let me introduce you with it. This is a very old sambidhaan, let's say, more than 200 years old. There aren't too many clauses in this paraconstitution, but they are clear cut about what they say. No way to make alternative interpretation like 2047 ko constitution. All right, so the clause 001 of it states that the Royal Nepali Army shall be fiercely loyal to the monarch. This is the clause which Gyanendra Maharaj had used to kick out Deuba and take over the executive power. Had Gyanendra only used the clause 127 of the 2047 ko sambidhan, Deuba could have easily kick Gyanendra's ass and declare on the national TV that he still is the prime minister of Nepal."
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