Posted by: GP January 14, 2005
Of Models And Supermodels
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Well said Ashu, especially, on Nepe. I liked the following statements and they are the truth on Nepe. 1. Very funny, Nepe, very funny. And also very cheap. 2. You do display a classic either-or Nepali communist mentality, which goes like this. If someone dares disagree with you or even dares question your thoughts or is ambivalent about them, then you go all out to paint that person as a stooge of some reactionary element. You then go on to repeat lies about that person so many times openly and publicly that those lies can be mistaken for the truth. (Nepe is very fast in calling names and assigning adjectives. An example of hardline communists). Oh yes, he is "fact lover", as he himself said. He supports the idea of "figures don'd lie, liars lie the figures", and he filters out the figures that does not suit his need. As he is a great researchers playing with beakers and titrations for last 3 decades. 3. While you are quick to make public (by now utterly silly) judgements about me, this is what I don't understand about you: For all your talks about gana-tantra, then what the hell are you doing in DC at this 40-plus age, obviously bored with beakers and titrations? [Well said here, ashu. He is now carrying placard in front Capitol Hill and publishing that 2 dozen as hundres of Nepalis in front pages of Kantipur / Kathmandu post. Thats his lusture on facts and figures.] 4. A quick search in databases does NOT establish you as a prolific or even remotely interesting scientific figure in any sense. So one can safely assume that other than being just another apparatchik in a scientific building filled with 1000s of science PhDs, the existential question of "what should do I do with my life?" (well explored in Po Bronson's book of that same title) must haunt you for days, no? [Again, well said. He talks of republican while in DC. A friend of mine who was Maoist supporter and was working in Japan, used to send major part of his salary to his party in Nepal and went to Nepal to take part in that move, well, I may or may not like his affliation with a wrong party, but, he showed his dedication. Nepe does not miss any chance to meet Royalist Govt. 's senior ministers when they visit DC.... what a shame. Well, he has his excuses. He knows how to find excuses.] 5. Sure, your job may be in molecular biology, but your passion clearly lies in molecular politics. And who do you fancy yourself as-- some sort of Nepali Ayatollah, waiting to return to Nepal to ecstatic public acclaim after the fall of the Shah of Nepal? Give me a break. Meantime, why not put your money where your mouth is, and return to Nepal and put yourself in harm's way to throw out the monarchy you so detest? I mean, in terms of circumstances, if this is not an opportune time for you to excite Nepalis on the sadak of Nepal against the monarchy, when is? But, realistically, you can't do any of that, can you? Now or ever. {Well said} 6. You are happy outsourcing your role to others in Nepal, while you enjoy the comfy life in the US, hoin ta? That is why, Nepe, I suspect that behind your bluster and cyber-bravado, you are basically a coward who fears uncertainties and ambiguities and the unknowns of real life (or for that matter, of scientific research) and seeks solace in the kind of politics that offers you nothing but clear-cut certainties. Kinda like that the Maoists, in a different way. [true] 7. That is why, you are atavistically and viscerally unable to even accept the possibility that there may well be OTHER ideas out there that do not match your own. [He is hard liner communist based on his writings for last several years, he stamps peoples with adjectives their ideas don't agree with him or are not defendable from his standpoint]. 8. But you can't say any of this openly, and your weapon of choice is first try to co-opt others by flattering them, and when flattery doesn't work, then go all out to to ridicule others and deride them by hurling outlandish charges at them so that you can prop yourself up, hoina ta? [Yes, he does first flatter them try to intimidate and when fails then he uses fire arms of words. Nepe is terrible]. 9. After all, not too long ago, with words of flattery, you were saying that you were confident that I, Ashu too, would someday turn into a hard-core republican. Now that I continue to not be on your side, you turn nasty. [Yeah, he wrote these words. You can find his words here in Sajha.] 10. Fortunately, there is plenty of room on Sajha for you as there is for others who may well think different from you on issues. And so it goes. Finally, sure, my ideas are may well be "गँजडी गफ" to you, but let it be stated that you have NOT shown how they are indeed गँजडी गफ. As anyone who knows basic science knows, assertions are not proofs or evidence. [good job, ashu. Some peoples might think that you do not have tolerance, but in public debate when some peoples become too much personal, and just don't keep silence that "I don't want to be personal", you have to defend yourself and it was right to defend and you did very well. Otherwise, Nepe would continue to think that these tricks will work. ] GP
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