Posted by: Nepsydaze February 25, 2025
Democrat lies revealed
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@Anomalities: "if you really believe that then i think I will always be wrong whatever i say unless i agree with you."
Which belief are you talking about? I have said a lot of things here.

@Nepal08: All the policies are available in google but my point being both democrats and republican presidents have had billionaire friendly policies so it is useless to try to single out Elon Musk as the sole beneficiary of these tax loopholes.These tax loopholes for the rich have been there for a very long time but neither democrat presidents cancel them nor republicans.

You said: The court didn’t accept the claim that it was a peaceful protest; They were convicted and sentenced anyway.
We can go back and forth for ever on whether the 2020 election was rigged or not. Or how simple protest was termed insurrection. When you have your own people in power, I guess anything is possible. That's what the democrats did by turning all federal agencies against their political opponents. Even the FBI was against the president of the country. That's how deep the corruption and bureaucracy was. You just cannot claim to live in a democratic country where the elected president does have the full power.

But no matter what, when you compare the MAGA administration right now to the democrats administration during Biden, the democrats never wanted to look into corruption nor excess spending because it was benefitting them.

We are at a revolutionary stage of fighting the corruption in healthcare, pentagon, fbi, and federal spending. The democrats would have continued to fund the national debt while benefitting themselves but we have an administration right now who is doing the right thing.

Bureaucracy needs to end so that we can have a chance at democracy.

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