Posted by: anomalities February 18, 2025
These patriots are working for free
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I am not a fan of democrats or republican, hate them both.But transparency wise--- information on spending have been public for years ---,,, Bills are made public before they are voted on

I am not saying some of these are not wasteful. But the issue is they are only targeting the ones that help the poor/middle class community. (Department of education, FAA, USAID which by the way does a lot of good work to prevent deadly diseases, feeding the poorest communities of the world)

If it was really about transparency or helping regular Americans. Their first target should have been the pentagon, DOD -- the amount of money that goes to the military industrial complex is astronomical compared to the funds they are targeting.

PS --- if you believed everything the press secretary said or what the administration said about spending in condoms and other shit then brother I have nothing to say to you. May be you should step out of your bubble.

Have a good day/night -- Be kind!
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