Posted by: independent January 8, 2025
Helping Ritu sis
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Ritu sis don't you believe in democracy?

Why are you crying every day because your senile candidate did not win?

If you are so bent on fear mongering on what Trump would do in office, then would you be so kind enough to list the things that Biden actually did during his term that was bad?

Also for people to take you seriously, why don't you list the things that Trump did during his term that was bad.

All your posts thesedays are about things that you think Trump will do.

I don't understand that kind of mentality at all. The same thing happened during his last term. Everyone was saying trump will cause the end of the world but in fact Trump did really well. Compared to Biden he did amazingly well.

You are going down that black hole in your mind that you are creating for yourself.

Enjoy the ride sis.
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