Posted by: Sexy In Sari January 4, 2025
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Under Trump, plenty of immigration bills will become law, but don’t expect them to help
immigrants—these bills will be anti-immigrant. This is Trump and the Republicans at their most
aggressive, pushing harsh, restrictive policies. Democrats had their chance to step up and
protect immigrants, but they failed to act when it mattered most. Now, Trump’s administration
will pass laws that hurt immigrants, and Democrats will have to explain why they didn’t do more
to stop it.
If Democrats don’t step up now and find a way to work with Trump on immigration, they’ll have
no chance of winning in 2028. By refusing to engage or compromise, they’re leaving
themselves with nothing to show for their efforts, and voters will notice. If they keep playing
politics instead of solving problems, they’ll lose credibility and support, especially among key
communities. The clock is ticking—Democrats need to act, or they’ll pay the price in the next