Posted by: GeetMaiJawaafDiu? December 29, 2024
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Probably, the governing officials of the Kumari trust sent a deterrent message to future Kumari's by relieving the then Kumari from her title for traveling to countries fraught with pedophilia. If you explore the origin of the Kumari ritual-practice, the very exact reason was to call upon the society to safeguard minors from sexual-exploitation and take it up a notch by venerating them as living goddesses.
Given the abuse of helpless native children during the British colonial times in America and in other common-wealth countries, a still from this controversial scene from a cult-classic film intended to spill the beans on that. Before coming to the US, I had never heard of pedophilia (including homosexual pedophilia) issues besides it being such a common-place in America, Britain, or other European nations.
(Also, in this movie there is a perpetual depiction of crimson flash-floods gushing through the elevator doors and crashing against the hotel walls in massive fury as a show of unspeakable violence perpetrated against the native populations of those wretched colonial territories. Can you name that film?)
Last edited: 29-Dec-24 09:28 PM