Posted by: GeetMaiJawaafDiu? December 6, 2024
Execution style murder in New York today
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The fall of the Berlin Wall is said to have ended global struggle for Communism. Meanwhile, its surviving nemesis, Capitalism, amid numerous economic strifes between 1785 and 2009, is now revealing unique cracks right on its facade. The newly rampant trend of flaunting narcissism, or promoting get-rich-quick culture has been democratized and powered by social media which went mainstream in the early 2000s. This once again reminds of Elvira's parting rhetoric which went like,  "Can't you see, what we are becoming, Tony?". Those words still speak to those who know these ever-relevant characters.




became the mantra of "caretaker(s) of this haunted Outlook Hotel". Word unmistakenly became flesh with deposing of a purveyor of the $ 1.3 trillion US insurance business one of the swell conveniences afforded by this economic system. The outrage against profit-driven insurance business has been picking up briskly in spite of a human-being lying slain on the streets who was actually on his way to - an investor meeting - in New York City, the epicenter of Capitalism.

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