Posted by: polisci March 16, 2024
Are you ready to know the truth?
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You are a well known supporter of the government so I understand your place.

I posted saying that inflation is due to pumping more money into economy and you posted saying inflation is caused by corporate profit. So my question to you is do you think government printing has nothing to do with inflation?

Corporate profit is often linked to the excess money printed. In fact most of the money printed goes to corporations as thats how politicians reward corporations that are in friendly terms.

During covid the govt injected few trillions of dollars into the economy by giving handouts and buying vaccines from corporations and giving free handouts to people. Nothing is free as the corporations made trillion dollar profits from the freely printed money while the inflation rose a whopping 8-9 percent for the sole reason of all the new money that diluted the value of dollars.

The corporate profits that you are talking about was the same money printed by the govt that got channelled to the corporations. As mentioned in the article 56% goes to the top 1% as in the top corporations. The 56% mentioned is almost close to the 53% mentioned in your article attributing inflation to the corporate profits.

Gaslighting is being done by blaming the corporate profit while the cause of these profit is the creation of excessive money that gets channeled to the corps.
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