Posted by: meraj January 28, 2023
How easy is it to regain Nepalese citizenship
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Technically it’s pretty easy, if you do it in right order like below, however not sure about practical aspect of things . Nepalese government body are almost useless hence it might end up taking months or even years to complete each steps.

1. Make sure you surrender Nepali citizenship and password through Nepalese citizenship and passport through embassy in DC while you still have US citizenship and passport . Make sure these are documented and you get some kind of confirmation of your Nepali citizenship denouncing.

2. Go to nepal and start process of surrendering US citizenship and passport, this is kind of straightforward through US embassy.

3. Once you have confirmation from US embassy, start process of re-instating Nepali citizenship through home ministry/cdo office .

Seems like you will be stateless fro the time you denounce US citizenship and nepal re-instates your old Nepali citizenship. But from practical prospective , not sure how streamlined process is this.
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