Posted by: Fewa_tal October 30, 2022
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I agree. Probably 1 yr extension. In the media, it was not revealed anywhere what the stake was. The lawyers probably asked for re-designation for all those countries, which is literally not possible b/c of large TPS beneficiaries from Honduras, El Salva, etc. who entered recently would get it. One thing is clear, if the president has this in his ideal agenda (like talking about paths to citizenship for tps, daca, even in state of the union address) then how come they attempt to "end" it. I seriously doubt they would end such as large workforce currently working in this worker-shortage economy. So, guys hope things will clear up this week and hopefully get extended on Monday for at least 1 year.
Note the (responsible) Washington post title was "work authorization at risk" not immigrants at risk of deportation.
Be careful of irresponsible (Nepali) media with titles like this: "hajaraun Nepali desh nikala ko jokhim ma" they want to scare you to get your attention and make money through your clicks.
Always be careful with lawyers, they will scare you.
Last edited: 30-Oct-22 01:45 AM