Posted by: Bennedict September 9, 2021
ROTH or 401K
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Back in those days, when I was studying, I used to tune into this channel in a certain radio station every day, Now I could not locate him. Most people would not listen to radio stations this much these days, but for me, I always liked listening to to the radio ever since I was a kid back in Nepal. This guy really gave some good ideas and suggestions to handle the financial portfolios for people with any kind of background, sometimes even some horrible status to talk about over the radio!

Since I am not a professional advisor, but I would recommend you to listen to him how he advises the people who call him on his show. I believe you do not have any school debt to worry about and now are planning to buy a house, and then contribute to investments as well, his ideas would be something you should listen to. If you want, you can call him as well while keeping your name private.


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