Posted by: be-aware February 5, 2020
नेपाली समुदायको भारी समर्थन Iowa caucus मा Bernie Sanders लाई - PHOTOS
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Bernie is the only hope for people in the US to loosen the grip of billionaires on politics. When billionaires control the politics, your food, your medicine, your education are all controlled so that the billionaires make more money. They control the media so they brainwash you to make you think it's all fine and good till you are sick with a disease created by their low quality food and you cannot afford to pay for your cure.

Right now billionaires are not paying any tax or paying very little and you have poor people supporting them because media makes them believe that it might slow the job market. No, if the billionaires have to pay more tax then they will need to increase jobs and economy so they can hoard more and more money. Billionaires who control politicians and the media are scared of the support Bernie is receiving right now. If Bernie wins they are scared to pay their fair share of taxes. That is why they are doing everything they can to make sure Bernie cannot win. Right now they know that Bernie is the only person that can beat Trump, but even the democratic party is trying everything they can to make sure Bernie is not selected because they know their masters will have to pay more taxes.

The real situation right now is that Bernie is the only person who is for the common people, the rest are paid for by the Billionaires. You look at Bernie's support. He has not taken a penny from any billionaires. He found that a billionaire's wife gave him about $400 and he gave it back. He is the only guy with any principles. He has the most supporters as seen by the mass he gathers at his speeches.

Noone had heard of Pete Buttigieg like 3 months ago, and now democratic party wants us to believe that he won the Iowa caucus. If there was a fair election results, Bernie would have won without any doubt. Just look at the turn out at Bernie rally versus Buttigieg rally. It's 100 times more. But the Democratic party is doing everything they can, lie, cheat, bribe, to stop Bernie.

Don't fall in their trap. Know the reality. Do some research. Don't be blinded by mainstream media propaganda.
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