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  FU....CK Zen travels
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Posted on 01-31-10 5:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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am writing this reply currently FU....CK Zen travels, they  promised to arrange a hotel for 14 hrs stay @ Abu Dhabi a month before my flight. I was told they they had requested a Hotel room for me.  When I called them on the day I left, my hotel room reservation was still not confirmed. When I went to Ethihad Air counter @ Abu Dhabi, I was told that there had been even not a single request placed in any of the date for my hotel reservation. Now I am stuck in the terminal with aching butt. How could any travel agent run a business in such irresponsible way ?  May be they get extra comission by saving hotel fees for airliners. Thank god , Abu Dhabi has atleast a free Wi Fi
Posted on 01-31-10 5:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Standardization and Nepali entrepreneurs...don't go hand on hand...do they?

Nepali Restaurants...Gas stations owned and run by Nepalese....Businesses.....Tax work...Lawyers....Cheesy, classless.

And not to mention, Travel Agency is the same.

Posted on 01-31-10 10:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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President Travel fu**ck me the same way, when I bought the ticket for my parents promising me that returning ticket is refundable. Once ticket is sold, CK-SKR Bhakta B. Shrestha vanished (who sold the ticket), another Ck-SKR Sandeep Shrestha made up a drama. The ticket turned out to be non-refundable and have no value.

People at Sajha, be aware of such CK-SKR at "President Travel" in Boston, and don't let them suck your sweat.

Posted on 02-01-10 7:39 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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These Nepalese travel agencies in US sucks, they don't know what customer service is. Peaceland Travels is the worst one and President Travels is the same way , never ever call them, you will be doing a big favor to yourself and don't recommend them to anybody.

Posted on 02-01-10 12:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Never fly 'Etihad'. These suckers are swindlers. I had suffered from a कुकुरले नपाउने दुख on my way back from Nepal...

Posted on 02-03-10 4:33 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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As far as travel goes, I always travel through QATAR Airways. If you need to Travel to/from EUROPE its one of the best. Once when returning from Nepal to Germany, I had to long transit (10 Hrs), Hotel Accomodation  (At Abu Dhabi) was already made by the airlines with breakfast and lunch. ALL FOR FREE.



Posted on 02-03-10 11:06 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I hope everything for Danphe is 'Natural & Nice'. Bye

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