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Posted on 11-13-09 11:20
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November 13, 2009  माओवादीको दोस्रो चरणको आन्दोलन अन्तर्गत आज अन्तिम कार्यक्रम सिंहदरबार घेर्ने थियो। साढे एक/२ बजेसम्म घेराउ गरेपछि आठै ठाउँमा घेराबन्दी गरिरहेका माओवादीहरुले संयुक्त जुलुस निकालेका थिए। हजारौँको जुलुसका कारण ट्राफिक व्यवस्था ठप्प भएको थियो। यो आन्दोलनको अनौठो विशेषता ‘शान्ति’ रह्यो। आजसम्म भएका कुनै पनि आन्दोलन यति शान्तिपूर्ण भएका थिएनन्। यतिको ‘मास’ हुँदा पनि न एउटा टायर जल्यो, न सडकका रेलिङ भाँच्चिए, न गाडीका शिशा फोडिए। हिजो एक ठाउँमा झडप भएर मात्र हो, नत्र त एउटा ढुंगा पनि नहानिएको रेकर्ड बस्थ्यो। नाचेर, गाएर, रमाइलो गरेर पनि आन्दोलन गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने उदाहरण उनीहरुले प्रस्तुत गरे। यो उदाहरण सबैले सँधै पछ्याए मात्र पनि एउटा सकारात्मक काम हुनेछ नेपालमा। हिजो झडप भएपछि आज केही तनाव होला कि भन्ने आशंका थियो तर सारा अनुमानलाई फेल खुवाउँदै हिजोको भन्दा अनुशासित र शान्तिपूर्ण रुपमा आन्दोलन सकियो।
अचम्म त मलाई त्यति बेला पनि लाग्यो जब आज प्रचण्डले हिजोको झडपको घटनामा आफ्नोतर्फ पनि कमजोरी रहेको (र प्रहरी तर्फ पनि कमजोरी रहेको) स्वीकारे। केही नेताले प्रहरी दमनमा उत्रियो अब हामी ह्याँ गर्छौँ वहाँ गर्छौँ भनी भनेका कुराको बिल्कुल विपरीत। नत्र आदेश देऊ प्रचण्ड युद्ध लड्न तयार छौँ भन्दै उग्र नारा लगाउने भीडले जे पनि गर्न सक्थे। सम्झन्छु ती दिनलाई, जब कोइराला सरकार हुँदा माओवादीले आन्दोलन गरेको थियो। पेट्रोलको भाउ बढाएकोमा गरेको आन्दोलन होस् कि राजदूत नियुक्ति प्रकरणमा गरेको आन्दोलन होस्, कति टायर जलेका थिए। कति ठाउँमा गाडीका शिशा फोडिएका थिए। चार जना मान्छे भएर बाटो जाम गरेका थिए। त्यस्तो ‘अराजक’ भीडलाई पूरै शान्तिपूर्ण बनाउन पनि सकिँदो रहेछ। नाचगान र उत्सवको रुपमा पनि आन्दोलन गर्न सकिँदो रहेछ त।
 यी फोटो खिच्न माओवादीको र्यालीमा धेरै बेर नजर लगाएको थिएँ। अघिल्लो लाइनमा स्पिकरबाट गीत बज्थ्यो ‘यो जनआन्दोलन हो’ भन्ने। अनि यही गीतमा नाच्थे, गाउँथे, झुम्थे आन्दोलनकारीहरु। माइकले वरपर लाइन लागेकाहरुलाई पनि भन्न अनुरोध गर्थे नागरिक सर्वोच्चताको नारा। प्रहरी र सेनालाई पनि तपाईँ नेपाल आमाको छोरा हो भने भनिदिनुस् एक पटक भनी अनुरोध गर्थे।
 रत्नपार्कको ओभरहेड ब्रिजमा बसेर जुलुसको आधा भाग हेर्दा लाग्थ्यो, यो कुनै आन्दोलन हैन, बरु सांस्कृतिक जुलुस हो। लाखे नाच थियो, गुरुड र अन्य जातिका भेषभुषामा नाचेका थिए। धिमे बाजा थियो, पन्चे बाजा थियो। रोल्पा र रुकुमका फाटेका लुगा लगाउनेहरु मात्र हैनन्, मिनी स्कर्ट र गगल्स लाउने मोर्डन केटाकेटीहरु पनि थिए जुलुसमा। आन्दोलनको तनाव, आक्रोश हैन, ‘मस्त’ थिए उनीहरु। हात उठाउँदै नाच्थे तिनीहरु। गाउँथे तिनीहरु। म नजिकै उभिएका एक बाजे छक्क परे, ए बाबा, कस्तो खालको आन्दोलन हो यो ? सब हाँसेका छन्, सब झुमेका छन्। यो कहिले नदेखिएको आन्दोलनका केही झलक तपाईँ भिडियोमा देख्न सक्नुहुनेछ जुन छिट्टै अपलोड गरिनेछ।  आठै नाकामा धर्ना दिएकाहरु मिसिएर र्याली सभामा परिणत हुँदा खुलामन्चमा ठाउँ नपुग्ने भएर हो कि किन हो, आमसभा भृकुटीमण्डपको त्यस्तो ठाउँमा गरियो जहाँ तीन वटा बाटा थिए। एक हुल भीड प्रदर्शनी मार्गतिर थिए, अर्को हुल भद्रकालीतिर र अर्को हुल बसपार्क,रत्नपार्कतिर। यो एकातर्फको हुलको मात्र फोटो हो। सिंहदरबार वरपरको पूरै घेराउ र जुलुसको एरिअल फोटो खिच्ने भनेर माओवादी पत्रिका जनदिशाले फिस्टेल एअरको एउटा हेलिकप्टर भाडामा लिएको भए पनि गृह मन्त्रालयले अनुमति उडान नदिएपछि खिच्न सकेनछन्।   माओवादी समर्थित स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरु। उनीहरुले आन्दोलनका सहभागीहरुलाई केही समस्या परे तत्काल उपचार गर्थे।     आमाछोरीको आन्दोलनः आमा पूर्वमन्त्री हिसिला यमी सहभागीहरुलाई हौस्याउन सिठी बजाउँदै। तल छोरी मानुषी यमि भट्टराई अखिल क्रान्तिकारीको ब्यानरमा नारा लगाउँदै।
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Posted on 11-13-09 11:49
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You can't see even a single national flag.
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Posted on 11-13-09 12:15
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sab lai khaldo ma jyakna parne ! they have no nationalism at all than their own dogmatic stupidity . maoists go to hell
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Posted on 11-13-09 2:29
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Even they were affiliated to any party their loyalty goes to the party than the employer, people in crowd physiologically transformed to different than a single individual, their norms and values changes. And the political leader capitalize it and makes things to do according to motto and his benefit.You remember the Maoist got money form UNO, what did they do with the money? Did the individual utilized it, No percentage of it or all of them went to party. Do they have any trail of money they collected? No . Do you know who is buying the land in Kathmandu and other big cities, Maoists. Easy, blood money is cashed into privet and individual property. These people will remain on the street rest of their lives, this is part of party line, if they got job and life , who will be working for them. Keep them as their follower and rule the country as they want, rule mean create a havoc and try to gain government power or create a layer of rule like YCL and so on . If they were Nationalist and want to do something good about the country, they would not be destroying the bridges and infrastructures, no they want to rule the country and show power. They will play any dirty game they could and they do, in their RED DIARY, shame , logic , and nationalism are wiped away, replaced with force and kill and ransom. Now the sad part is , all gundas are Maoist and our society created criminal and criminal created more criminal, in coming days as someone mentioned it will be worst than the Indian movies, where people are killed for no reason and has to pay ransom for no apparent reason. Neither you have a piece nor you make them happy. In long run, this theory will take part, if you can not beat them join them. A crowd will be turned to a mob for no reason, just one hooligan has to throw a stone. See every one is having a good time, but they do not know why they are doing for? Because they were asked by party.
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Posted on 11-13-09 2:54
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aeee nayasadak......ta jasto gada khate tattu tero bichar sunda ta malai talai tyaha bhayeka mahan nepali ka chora chori ko achi khuwauna mann lagyau....... simple kura ...ta jasta kukur haru huda samma kai hunewala choina....ta jasta ko patta sap nagaresama kai hudaina....
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Posted on 11-13-09 3:28
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I just hate to hear from the puppets like "girlfren_wife" of Maoist, NC, UML whoever and whatsoever that has no own identity and self esteem. You are just another laggard sheep in a herd being driven to hell by your azzhole leaders. When creative and energetic youthful period life is gone and trashed while licking shit of your so called commendable masters, you will be burned to hell later on finding nothing is left on your plate. I feel so sorry for these people and you, offcourse, being manipulated by you masters.
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Posted on 11-13-09 7:08
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Maoists should have more sex and increase their populations... may be that way they can capture the state.... all Maoists are rapists...
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Posted on 11-13-09 8:44
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I agree with naya sadak. Also, reporting of this event seems quite biased towards maoist. Not that I mean to say people running the country are doing any better, but as the title of this thread says - Let these Nepalese work.
mandale murdabad
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Posted on 11-13-09 11:25
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result of lack of education and unemployment ................lack of self decision>>>>>> veda bakhra
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Posted on 11-14-09 12:21
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Ya, we have attitude problem every where USA, Nepal anywhere Nepali go, we have that problem. I don't mean this mass is bheda bakhra or I don't under-estimate the power of people, they might be from any party. But we see the our history, we were supporter of Rana, after 2007 democracy, were Nepali congress, in panchayat we were pancha, after 2046, we were Congress and UML and finally in another history, Maoist got the highest votes, definitely, these people looking for good people, good system, good leaders, and the people like us here, I hate the people who think they know every thing, he is super smart and rest are bheda bhakhra, ya, once we come USA, we see every one bheda bakhra,
My point here, any one please don't play the sentiment of people, they want someone good for nation, they can sing dance to every one, but the final motto is for the better of country. So, don't blame these people where your father mother, our entire generation and our whole society is struggling, same on us again,
Last edited: 14-Nov-09 12:28 AM
mandale murdabad
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Posted on 11-14-09 7:20
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I laugh at people who still believe that this terrorist SOB can do anything for Nepal other than shake his shoulder and shout in tudikhel>>>>>>>>>> hence vedabakhra prachanda said >>>>>>>>KO HO TYO KATUWAL>>>>>>>>>> katuwal invited prachande opened his kattu and showed what was there, prachande got tensed and resigned from his post. prachanda has a attitude problem
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Posted on 11-14-09 11:43
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This mass of people are being used by Maoist to step up their need for power and money. In the name of civilian supremacy they are misguided by maoist. Congress did it, UML did it, King did it and now its maoist turn. Anyway Maoist is rich party, they can afford free transportation, free food and free lodging for all their cadres. Nagarik lai dukha diyera ke ko nagarik sarbochhata.
@TIMER...the more you comment the more I m sure that you dont hate people who thinks they know lot , instead you hate people who hate maoist.
Last edited: 14-Nov-09 11:44 AM
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Posted on 11-14-09 12:06
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ya, no comment, I am just commenting the situation of Nepal. You guys are smarter, sorry no comment again.
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Posted on 11-14-09 12:06
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ya, no comment, I am just commenting the situation of Nepal. You guys are smarter, sorry no comment again.
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Posted on 11-14-09 12:22
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Once we have change of regime, people are exploited or expected more than given, as Dr. Gautam said in his u-tube video, Nepali have too much free time and leaders are capitalizing their weaknesses. Read my words mark it as said in GEETA, Maoist never ever think of utilizing the man power they have, if they do then who will be in the street to run with their red banner ? No, This will not going to happen in many decades. They make their cases against the government and that will serve their goal and motto to keep their cadres in dark and in their supreme leadership. They want to merge in to army and Maoist giving a false hope and telling them see we are trying but it is the government does not want, and so on .
Rule of thumb is keep the followers in dark, give them khuraki make them busy creating new layers of rule in society so every part of the country they can suppress the citizens they can, like YCL and Nagarik Sarbochhata ? What the f*k is this ?
They should have taken to Sunsari to build to the dam washed away by the SaptKosi. Or road to the rular area as long as they are compensated by UN.
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Posted on 11-14-09 1:14
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Posted on 11-14-09 1:44
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good job timer...... and great analysis......... this is unbiased journalism....... keep up the good work...we'll be back for more..........
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Posted on 11-14-09 6:08
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we need weapons of mass destruction to destruct those mass of arseeholees